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Buddy Ebsen believed classic TV viewers needed a father figure
Ebsen thought Jed Clampett could be the dad everyone needed and wanted in the ’60s.

Carol Burnett was ''petrified'' the first time she performed comedy in school
Burnett said that she was a "wallflower" as a child.
Jerry Mathers reveals the reason Leave It to Beaver ended early
The series could've continued!

If we give you three iconic television shows, can you tell us the network they aired on?
Change the channel at your own risk!

Can you remember these film character's better halves?
Can you remember all of these iconic film couples?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''High Noon in Mayberry''
Hey... Who said that?!

The ultimate Philadelphia Quiz
Do you know Gritty from the Phanatic?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''Man in a Hurry''
Hey... Who said that?!

Answer these questions and we'll give you date night plans!
No idea what to do for a date night? We've got you covered!

This guest star on The Andy Griffith Show said the series spoiled her
Your suspicions were correct; The Andy Griffith Show was an amazing place to work.

Guess which Gilligan's Island actor boldly proclaimed ''I'm one of my fans.''
Hint: It wasn't the Skipper!

Andy Griffith Show episodes: Fill in the blank!
"The Pickle _______"

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Barney and the Governor"
Hey... Who said that?!

Can you tell us what movie soundtrack we're thinking of based on just three songs?
It's about the music, man!

Don Knotts was at the head table of his high school reunion— But not because he was famous!
The 60-year gathering was held in 2002.

Alfred Hitchcock on creating suspense in a television series
"Sometimes people create their own anxiety," said the director.

Don Knotts and Andy Griffith shared a dislike for sitcoms
"You see, Andy I have a pet hate - situation comedy," said Knotts.

'50s Monster Movie Quiz: This one is hard!
Warning: We're not messing around with this one!

Burt Reynolds on the parallels between himself and Clint Eastwood
"We both have a particular audience that is loyal to us no matter what the critics say," said Reynolds.

The cast of Happy Days were worried they'd be cancelled during the show's early years
They weren't all Happy Days on set...

Which of these vintage candies would you rather give to your Sweetie for Valentine's Day?
The sweetest poll you'll see today!

Elizabeth MacRae was often approached by fans asking her to speak as her character on Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.
Fans will remember the Lou-Ann Poove's iconic southern drawl.

Carol Burnett and Jim Nabors: How their relationship started!
Onscreen admiration turned to real-life friendship

Gomer vs. Griffith: Which show did these episode titles come from?
Well, which one was it?!

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''One-Punch Opie''
Hey... Who said that?!

Marion Ross said that a part of her ''envied'' her character on Happy Days
Would you be able to fill the shoes of Marion Cunningham?

Success was the only thing keeping Rob Reiner and Penny Marshall apart
The timeless couple just wanted to have a little more time with each other.

Here's the one thing that worried Barbara Hale about Perry Mason
Hale wasn't looking for a fight, and neither were her castmates!

Who starred in these terrible movies?
We've got some real clunkers here!

Working on Happy Days taught Marion Ross how to be a better parent
"I could use what I learned on the show with my own children."

Andy Griffith would often visit the set of Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.
Griffith would visit his old friend, Jim Nabors, during filming of the series.

Are these songs from West Side Story, or something else?
Feel free to hum along!

What happened to teenage culture?
Sock hops are long gone...

Roy Stuart received some educational letters after his character committed a military faux pas on Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.
"We got hundreds of letters asking, 'What kind of corporal calls his sergeant by his first name?'"

Are these fun facts about Valentine's Day true or false?
You're going to fall in love with these fun facts!