What color was the TV title in these opening credits?
Color us impressed if you can guess 10/13!

Do you sit and attentively watch the opening credits of TV shows?
If yes, this quiz is for you. It's a special color vision test that seeks to see how well you remember the colors used in the opening credits of classic TV shows.
Scroll through the screencaps below and see if you can remember the color of the title of TV shows from the 1960s to the 1990s, from Gilligan's Island to the now-iconic Friends logo. Good luck!
What color was the title of Gilligan's Island in the colored episodes of the show's opening credits?
Which colors were used to spell out the title in the opening credits of Happy Days?
What color did they use for the title of Columbo episodes and TV movies?
What color did they use for the title of Swamp Thing in the opening credits?
What color did they use for the title of M*A*S*H in the opening credits?
What color did they use for the title of Charlie's Angels in the opening credits?
They changed it up sometimes, but which colors below do you think have been used for the title of Miami Vice in the opening credits?
Which colors were used for the Saved By the Bell title in the opening credits?
What color did they use for the title of WKRP in Cincinnati in the opening credits?
What color did they use for the title of Family Ties in the opening credits?
What color did they use for the title of Cannon in the opening credits?
Here's a tough one from the '90s. What colors were the dots used in the title of Friends in the opening credits?
Last question. For both Wonder Woman and The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, the same colors were used in the title for the opening credits. Which colors?

What color was the TV title in these opening credits?
Your Result...
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Omg, only 7! Wtf. Should’ve gone with my close second choices on some. My faves are the Saved By the Bell, Happy Days, and Miami Vice logos. 8-D
13/13. More questions that were needed to make the video? What is the color of the shadow in the opening of Sledge Hammer?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
Answer: Blue
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
Answer: Blue
Missed four as well. The only one I really should have missed, {and I did,} was Swamp Thing. #'s 9-11 I shouldn't have missed, because these shows I do watch. This quiz, {I would assume,} would be hard for someone who is color blind.
8/13. I guessed correctly on Friends, which I never watched, but missed, among others, Family Ties and WKRP, which I did/do watch. Missed Swamp Thing, too, but I've never even seen the opener.