How many 1980s sitcoms can you remember?

It takes an '80s genius to score in the 80s.

The Eighties were a golden era for the sitcom. There were dozens of them, ranging from the quirky to the heartfelt. A good number of them had puppets, too.

But how many of them do you remember? 

Below, you will find a list of sitcoms that ran for two or more seasons in the 1980s. Yep, just about all of them.

They are missing words or letters. If you can score in the 80s — you are the ultimate '80s trivia ace!
  1. Ch_ _ _s
  2. AL_
  3. Happy _______
  4. M*_*S*_
  5. The Golden ______
  6. _______ Strokes
  7. _______ Court
  8. _______ in Cincinnati
  9. The Facts of _______
  10. _______ & Shirley
  11. The Jeffer_ _ _s
  12. Full ______
  13. _______ Company
  14. Ta_ _
  15. Mama's _______
  16. The Wonder ______
  17. My Two _______
  18. _______ Belvedere
  19. The Cosby _______
  20. _______ in Charge
  21. Who's the ______?
  22. _______ Strangers
  23. Growing ______
  24. One ______ at a Time
  25. Gimme a ______!
  26. _______ Ties
  27. _______ Loves Chachi
  28. Rose_ _ _ _
  29. C_ _ ch
  30. _______ & Allie
  31. _______ Spoons
  32. _______ Hammer!
  33. W_ _ _ _ _ r
  34. New_ _ _ _
  35. Designing _______
  36. Doogie Howser, _______
  37. _______ Brewster
  38. Married… with _______
  39. _______ Brown
  40. My _______ Sam
  41. Empty ______
  42. _____ John
  43. A Different ______
  44. Day ______ Day
  45. Head of the ______
  46. _______ Buddies
  47. Harper _______, PTA
  48. Major ______
  49. _______ Matters
  50. Just the _______ of Us
  51. 9 to _______
  52. H_ _ _ _ _ man
  53. It's Garry _______ Show
  54. _ _7
  55. The _______ Family
  56. The _______ Ullman Show
  57. After_ _ _ _
  58. Too Close for _______
  59. A_ _ _ _
  60. Archie Bunker's _______
  61. A _ _ n
  62. _______ President
  63. D _ _ t
  64. _______ Benjamin
  65. F_ _
  66. Buffalo ______
  67. The Tim ______ Show
  68. _______ Calls
  69. _______, Sidney
  70. Double _______
  71. _______ Again?
  72. Goodnight, _______
  73. We Got It ______
  74. It's a _______
  75. Anything But ______
  76. D.C. _______
  77. Small ______
  78. She's the ______
  79. _______ Happening Now!!
  80. _______ of this World
  81. The Munsters _______
  82. The Ch_ _ _ _ _ _ s
  83. The Cav_ _ _ _ _ _ S

How many 1980s sitcoms can you remember?

Your Result...

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MaryAnn 54 months ago
Flew through this, feeling cocky till I got to #32. After that I misspelled Tracey, went for Angie instead of Alice, thought it was Madame get the idea! Wound up with 73/83.
Joe 56 months ago
Rickey 66 months ago
You got 75 out of 83
Share with your friends to show how '80s you are! #62, 66, 75, 76, 81. These I just read wrong or just got into a hurry. # 54,59,79.
EllisClevenger 67 months ago
You got 80 out of 83
Share with your friends to show how '80s you are!
Missed #32, #56, and #59.
I call a Mulligan on #59.
(Angie:1979-1980. Alice: 1976-1985)
JosetteByrd 68 months ago
75 out of 83. I don't feel to bad. On one I got wrong because of spelling. Right person but wrong spelly.
EllisClevenger JosetteByrd 67 months ago
Was it Tracy or Tracey?
MikeLutton 68 months ago
shirley and sanford onewas. funny
MikeLutton 68 months ago
what taken the answer things so long to show up
rycki1138 68 months ago
82 out of 83
Share with your friends to show how '80s you are!
EllisClevenger 75 months ago
You got 78 out of 83
Share with your friends to show how '80s you are!
No Wonder the 80s are a blur. It appears I didn't get out much.
brwneyes66 75 months ago
You got 73 out of 83 and I'm a total 70-80's kid
CruiseGirl4Life 76 months ago
74/83 and 80% of those were guesses. 80's TV was NOT must see TV foir me.
CarrieMcCourt 76 months ago
79/83. What you did with the Tracy Ullman one was really crappy on your part MeTV.
Terrence 76 months ago
Ok, there were five shows I never watch................................78/83
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