Can you place these pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns to the right show?
Whether it's a real pumpkin or a sports ball, there's no reason not to have a jack-o'-lantern this Halloween!

As the spooky season picks up steam, people across the country are preparing for Halloween and all the festivities that come with it!
From buying candy, to trick or treating and creating costumes, there's plenty to prepare for ahead of the scary holiday. A Halloween staple for people of any age is the jack-o'-lantern! Creating a personalized carving ahead of this holiday is part of what makes Halloween so fun!
Take a look at these jack-o'-lanters and Halloween-themed pumpkins and try to guess what show they're from!
What show does this store-bought jack-o'-lantern from?
With this pumpkin as the advertisement, everyone will know there's a party tonight! Where have you seen this pumpkin before?
This pumpkin-ball is from what show?
This jack-o'-lantern is a perfect decoration for a Halloween party. What show is it from?
This jack-o'-lantern is meant to look like a family member in what show?
These jack-o'-lantern candy pails are ready to be passed out to any visitors in what show?
Can you recall which Western this pumpkin in from?
What show is this jack-o'-lantern from?

Can you place these pumpkins and jack-o'-lanterns to the right show?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.

To all it may concern, here’s the location of my quiz!
7:30 PM tonight! (I may be little late, if so sorry 😬)
7:30 PM tonight! (I may be little late, if so sorry 😬)
''You got 5 out of 8'' ------Were you able to carve out a perfect score, or do you need a new pumpkin? I got 1, 4, and 7 wrong.