Would you play with these 1970s kids toys as an adult?

Are you feeling nostalgic yet?


In this quiz, we'll give you the name of a popular toy in the 1970s. You've got to decide if your childhood toys deserve a replay, or if we can leave them in the past!

  1. Baby Alive
  2. Action Jackson
  3. Barrel of Monkeys
  4. Don't Break the Ice
  5. Holly Hobbie
  6. Hot Wheels
  7. Lite-Brite
  8. Play-Doh
  9. Shrinky Dinks
  10. Squirmles

Would you play with these 1970s kids toys as an adult?

Your Result...

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Dario 3 days ago
90% similar. 😁😁😁😁😁
Amalthea 3 days ago
I got 60%. I marked "yes" on all but Action Jackson. I love games & am really a big kid at heart.
KawiVulc 3 months ago
80%. Always preferred Matchbox cars though. Slower but more realistic & you'd have trucks, tractors, etc.
Dario KawiVulc 3 days ago
I loved Matchbox cars as well! They were much better built than Hot Wheels. 😁😁😁😁😁
AnnieM 3 months ago
Here's a question for all: Did anyone else who had a Lite Brite have the 'motion' add-on kit? It was like an extra overlay you'd attach, with a lever on the bottom that made the screen go up and down somehow making the picture 'animate' slightly. I seem to be the only one I've ever known of who had that, or even heard of it, but I definitely remember having it and playing with it. 🤔
ttenchantr AnnieM 2 months ago
I remember that and am pretty sure we had it.
AnnieM 3 months ago
I remember making a Mr Bill (from Saturday Night Live) out of Play-Doh, not realizing that once he 'dried' he'd fall apart, and that's exactly what happened. Still, appropriate considering all the ways Mr Bill ended up on SNL. 😉😆
dazeofwine 3 months ago
60% only one I would play with now is Break The Ice.
LalaLucy 3 months ago
70% Had no interest in Baby Alive when it was first out and not interested now. Never did tbe traditional baby doll play at all. (Funny now to think about that as both a mom and a daycare teacher. 😄) Playdough I have and will always love however. Like nothing better than an excuse to sit down and mold something cool alongside my kids or students. 🙂
Ratt1959 3 months ago
80% There's a few I'd play with my grandkids. There's also a few I'd put up and collect.
sjbang88 3 months ago
60% I only heard of 2 of these, I must have led a sheltered life
Tresix 3 months ago
60% similar. I had Action Jackson (think of him as G.I. Joe's little brother).
AnnieM 3 months ago
For those wondering about Squirmles - you may have seen them before: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squirmles
Tresix AnnieM 3 months ago
I had one, scared my sister half to death!
AnnieM 3 months ago
What, include Hot Wheels but not Barbie? Shameful. 😉😆 BTW, I absolutely loved Shrinky Dinks. I made SO many pendants and pairs of earrings out of that stuff. Still have some of them in my childhood jewelry box packed away somewhere. I seem to recall making a lot of Snoopy jewelry and different Batman logos. I remember they made pre-printed sheets you could buy, but I usually got the plain blank sheets as I liked to design my own stuff.
MaryAnn 3 months ago
80% My mom wouldn’t let me have a Baby Alive because of the “mix the actual ‘food’, feed the baby, change the diaper, wonder if all the food came out” factors. I hated her for that, but now I TOTALLY get it! 😆
AnnieM MaryAnn 3 months ago
I remember thinking of Baby Alive at the time, "Why would I want a doll that really poops? Yuck!"🤣 At least the BA of our childhood was a cute doll. Have you seen the modern version? Looks like some anime nightmare!
Crisco 3 months ago
100% similar and I don't remember shrinky dinks or Squirmles.
19611313 3 months ago
.04% similar.....
Coldnorth 19611313 3 months ago
I’m sooooo proud of you.. that’s quite a score
RobertK 3 months ago
100% similar. The toys I chose were ones I would play to entertain my kids or grandkids. Hot Wheels, Matchbox Cars and those Motorific cars and tracks were my favorites!
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