Can you guess the decade that this Halloween costume was most popular in?

This isn't your average costume contest—dressing up isn't required.

 The Everett Collection

Halloween is just around the corner, and for many, it’s the perfect time to unleash creativity by dressing up as someone—or something—else. From classic ghouls and goblins to pop culture icons, the possibilities are endless when it comes to choosing the perfect costume!

Today, we’re here to see how well you remember these spooky get-ups!

Get ready to relive your favorite Halloween memories and maybe even spark some ideas for this year’s festivities. Can you guess the decade in which this Halloween costume was most popular? Good luck, and may the best costume win!

  1. In which decade did the most trick-or-treaters ask for candy dressed as Elvis Presley?
  2. No cheating: In which decade was a Power Rangers costume most popular?
  3. Indiana Jones was popular for multiple decades, but in which decade did most kids dress as the character for Halloween?
  4. In which decade did you see the most kids wearing the iconic Michael Myers mask?
  5. In which decade was dressing as a cowboy for Halloween most popular?
  6. In which decade did the most kids want to dress as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Halloween?
  7. Which kid didn’t dream of going to space? In which decade was dressing as an astronaut most popular?
  8. In which decade did the cool kids dress up as Willy Wonka?
  9. In which decade did the most trick-or-treaters ask for candy dressed as Madonna?
  10. In which decade did the most kids want to dress up as their favorite Star Wars characters?
  11. Ghosts are a classic costume that spans decades, but in which decade was it most popular?
  12. In which decade did most kids dress up as zombies and vampires for Halloween?
  13. In which decade did the most kids scare us while wearing Freddy Krueger costumes?

Can you guess the decade that this Halloween costume was most popular in?

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 3 months ago
8/13. Who could possibly know the correct answer to #1. Elvis was really big in the late 50's to the mid 60's, but not so much in the 1970's.
Ishouldaknown 3 months ago
My greatest costume: Ilya Kuryakin at age 10
Crisco 3 months ago
9/13..late 60s me and my brother were Batman and Robin.
DethBiz 3 months ago
9 out of 13. Could have done better.
Ratt1959 3 months ago
5/13 Didn't pay much attention to what the kids were wearing, unless it was something like an old Universal Monster or similar.
Tresix 3 months ago
9/13. I think that’s fairly good.
Dajj 3 months ago
8/13. Now they have Trunk or Treat, and the little darlings in our hood dont even come to many houses anymore. It was fun handing out candy to the kids.
Bella_81 4 months ago
8176Morgan Bella_81 3 months ago
Ya right! Many of those questions were impossible to know the right answer to, but of course you could have taken the quiz a second or third time.
frenchman71 4 months ago
7/13. I was never one to closely follow pop culture.
FLETCH 4 months ago
11 out of 13 🧛‍♂️🧟‍♂️👻
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