Poll: Which sitcom character would you invite over for holiday dinner?

It's holiday season. Who would you invite over for dinner?


During the earlier decades, family dinners were mandatory and essential to staying in touch with relatives. Many people choose Sundays as the perfect opportunity to cook a huge dinner and chat with family.

With the rise of technology and social media, families only gather during the holidays, primarily Thanksgiving and Christmas. What if you could choose a sitcom character to invite over for dinner?

Out of the many options, we narrowed it down to ten characters from some of the top classic television shows.

  1. Which sitcom character would you invite over for dinner?

Poll: Which sitcom character would you invite over for holiday dinner?

Your Result...

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BradBeall 1 month ago
June Cleaver, because she would help with the clean-up afterwards, and you just know that she would bring something tasty as well!
djw1120 13 months ago
I went with Bill Gillespie - he reminds me of Archie Bunker with a southern accent.
Ratt1959 14 months ago
20% I had a hard time making up my mind on this one. Ended up with Elly May, I could have easily gone with Laura Petrie as well. For that matter, any of them would have been nice to have over.
Tresix 14 months ago
Picked Alice, got 0% similar(!). Why are Hoss, Perry Mason, and Chief Gillespie on the list? They’re not sitcom characters.
BradBeall Tresix 1 month ago
I was gonna pick Alice, too, but June Cleaver was too good to pass up! She would help with the cooking and the cleaning up afterwards!
Tresix BradBeall 1 month ago
So would Alice.
Glornt 18 months ago
Elly, and it wasn't even close.
JERRY6 25 months ago
picked Laura Petrie tht or Elly only 20% similr? Barney wins most votes , some strange people taking yhis poll
MadMadMadWorld 25 months ago
What guy would not invite the gorgeous and funny Laura Petrie? I don't understand why she didn't run away with the vote? Lucy, 2nd place, and she won 2nd with 16%. Barney is just too weird and flaky, although he "won" the vote with 23%.
[image=https://weigel-comments.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/xWEyk-1670101455-Mary Tyler Moore, Dick Van Dyke 1964.jpg]
"The Doodlin Song" from the episode "Too Many Stars" (Oct. 30, 1963), with Sylvia Lewis. Photo of Mary and Dick from 1964.
jackbennyfan 26 months ago
I would pick Jack Benny since I am a big fan. I wish MeTV would show the Burns and Allen Show.
Decades shows both old shows, very early in a morning hour, back-to-back!
L 26 months ago
I picked Lucy. I think Elly and Jed would have too weird food.
Not mentioned-I'd like to have Goober over any day.
And yes, I'd help Alice do the cooking.
BenSobeleone 26 months ago
I would invite Alice Kramden and Carl Kolchak from The Night Stalker.
RichLorn 26 months ago
Of those listed, it has to be Alice Kramden. Anyone who can cook a Thanksgiving dinner on that miserable little stove in that brooklyn apartment deserves a place at the table.
SheriHeffner 26 months ago
I wish you had Opie Taylor, and Wooster from Wagon Train because I would had invited them to my dinner.
SheriHeffner 26 months ago
20%. I would have invited Perry Mason to dinner.
Snickers 26 months ago
I would invite Dr. Smith and the robot.
MadMadMadWorld Snickers 25 months ago
Robots can't eat. But who wants the flaky Dr. Smith, plus his bantering with the constant bright light flashing from the Robot also?
OVkid 26 months ago
I'd invite Hoss Cartwright, but there might not be any leftovers.
Steve2021 26 months ago
I'd invite Barney, I would fatten him up with fried chicken and gobs of butter on corn on the cob with dinner rolls with mash taters just so he would make weight for the deputy's job.
BenSobeleone Steve2021 26 months ago
"It does my heart good to see a thin person eat."
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