It takes a true Trekkie to identify all these shapes from Star Trek: The Original Series
It takes the mind of a Vulcan to ace this.

Captain! We are pulling up some unidentified objects on the viewscreen.
We need you and your crew to help us figure out these dozen mysteries. Dig deep into your knowledge of Star Trek to identify these strange forms!
Good luck!

What is this?
What is this?
What would the crew use this for?
Captain! We have a ship on the screen! Who is it?
This is a "Lirpa." What is that?
Captain, a ship is reaching out to us with this symbol. Are they friendly or evil?
Lieutenant, can you identify this species?
In which episode would you find this creature?
What is this creature?
Which Enterprise crew member would typically use this?
This giant cone was floating in space as the title threat in which episode?
In the above episode, which Starfleet ship wears this insignia?

It takes a true Trekkie to identify all these shapes from Star Trek: The Original Series
Your Result...
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Star Trek - Command Uniform

Star Trek - Science Uniform

Star Trek - NCC1701

Star Trek - Khaaaaaan

10/12. Missed #9 and #10--pretty good when you consider I love the novels and the movies, but I cannot get into any version of the TV show. (No, I can't explain it, either...)
Can you put Ironsides on now?
I think that I heard that DeForest Kelly kept on blowing the name of the creature and he kept on calling it, Mugato so they went with that name.
7/10 love Trek, but far from a Trekkie. Saw the original back....well, when it was original, and now it's on past my bedtime.