How well do you remember the Star Trek episode “The Naked Time”?

En garde! How well do you know Sulu’s swashbuckling soirée in the stars?


Many original Star Trek episodes stand out as fan-favorites because of intriguing storylines, unique aliens or situations that let us see characters in a new light. 

The classic installment “The Naked Time” reveals what happens when an unknown alien substance lowers the inhibitions of Enterprise crewmembers to the point where they act on their wildest impulses. This naturally leads to delightful moments that have now become iconic parts of the franchise.

How well do you remember this beloved episode? Try your luck below!

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  1. Who beams down to the ice planet Psi 2000 at the very beginning?
  2. Why is the Enterprise in orbit around Psi 2000?
  3. Sulu explains fencing to crewman Riley, who then complains that Sulu first tried to get him interested in what?
  4. Who is the nurse working with Dr. McCoy?
  5. What does Sulu suggest he and Riley do?
  6. Sulu yells “Richelieu, beware!” naming the antagonist of which famous swordsmen?
  7. On the bridge, who does Sulu call Richelieu?
  8. Riley locks himself in the engineering control room and starts doing what?
  9. Speaking over the PA system, Riley calls himself the captain and says everyone onboard can have what?
  10. Under the influence of the alien substance, Nurse Chapel confesses her love for who?
  11. The Enterprise is in danger of what?
  12. How long does Scotty say it will take to warm up the engines?
  13. McCoy discovers the substance passes from person to person through what?
  14. Which character was NOT affected by the substance?
  15. What does the crew discover at the end of the episode?

How well do you remember the Star Trek episode “The Naked Time”?

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WilliamJorns 6 months ago
14 out of 15 right. I goofed on who Sulu called "Richelieu" on the bridge.
Lacey 31 months ago
14/15 without breaking a seat. I missed the start time for the engines.
"Ya Cannot change the laws of physics."
RichLorn 31 months ago
I would have liked to see crewman Riley in more episodes then he had.
Mirramanee RichLorn 31 months ago
Agreed! He was a very likeable character.
Lacey RichLorn 31 months ago
He got a little annoying pretty fast. He was also in the very first episodes that had a different feel to them.
ELEANOR 31 months ago
George Takai was really into swordplay! Reportably, he went around the set plaguing, poking and prodding everyone around with his swordplay.
RichLorn ELEANOR 31 months ago
Rumor has it that is the reason why Scotty was never seen sitting down.
WilliamJorns ELEANOR 6 months ago
No, that rumor came about because George was leaping around behind the sets between takes, practicing his swordfighting moves. Someone heard all the noise he was making, and peered behind the scenery to see what was going on. As they looked behind the walls, they accidentally stepped in front of George making a leap, and almost got stabbed (they didn't, though).
Croft1 31 months ago
15 out of 15. Who was the original sponsor of the 60s Star Trek TV series? Spoctor & Gamble. Duh Nyuk Nyuk
horribleHDanny Croft1 31 months ago
WilliamJorns Croft1 6 months ago
Just for that, they should beam you into the Klingons' engine room along with a bunch of tribbles!
STTOS 31 months ago
You got 12 out of 15 - You were as sharp as Sulu's blade on this quiz. Great job! Not my best effort but I will take it.
Runeshaper 31 months ago
10/15 - I definitely forgot some details, but it was a GREAT episode!
bnichols23 31 months ago
Well, I blew # 12. No engineering job for me this life. Easy & amusing otherwise. :)
Randall 31 months ago
12 is wrong, I distinctively remember Scotty saying I'VE GOT TO HAVE 45 MINUTES
Snickers Randall 31 months ago
No. it is correct. Scotty tells Kirk he needs 30 minutes. If you watch the episode you will see the scene between Kirk and Scotty in engine room.
RichLorn Randall 31 months ago
Scotty was frightened. He had to have 30 minutes for the engines and 45 minutes in the bathroom.
mkdbwall Randall 31 months ago
"I've got to have 30 minutes!"
Mirramanee Randall 31 months ago
It was 30 minutes. I recall him saying you can't change the laws of physics in that same scene.
Lacey Randall 31 months ago
UHURA [OC]: Entering planet's outer atmosphere, sir.
SCOTT: Captain.
KIRK: What is it?
SCOTT: He's turned the engines off. Completely cold. It will take thirty minutes to regenerate them.
UHURA [OC]: Ship's outer skin is beginning to heat, Captain. Orbit plot shows we have about eight minutes left.
KIRK: Scotty!
SCOTT: I can't change the laws of physics. I've got to have thirty minutes.
[From the show script. The Naked Time Stardate: 1704.2 Original Airdate: 29 Sep, 1966]
Bobbo 31 months ago

I started watching the reruns in the ‘70’s on channel 9, Chicago’s very own WGN and it was forever before I actually ever had seen a complete episode as channel 9 ran the show from 6:30 to 7:30pm. At 7pm, it was time for the shows on channels 2, 5, and 7!
DanDolgin 31 months ago
12 / 15, I missed a few. Should have done better, I have seen the episode a few times.
JERRY6 31 months ago
11 of 15 not bad have not seen the show in 50 years
BrianSnodgrass 31 months ago
15/15 it helped that I watched this episode last night.
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