Can you guess which TV shows Sammy Davis Jr. appeared on?
They called him ''Mister Show Business'' for a reason!

The Everett Collection
Image: The Everett Collection
Out of all the members of the Rat Pack, Sammy Davis Jr. was perhaps the most game for a quick television appearance. Sure, Joey Bishop had his own sitcom, but Sammy popped up on all sorts of shows for decades, from the Fifties through the Eighties.
You could also spot him in soaps, comedies, action hours, and dramas. Variety shows, too, naturally. He was always up for a little song and dance.
Let's see if you can place him. We gathered images from his memorably classic TV appearances. Try and guess the shows!

He was Tip Corey in ''Two Ounces of Tin.''
Image: The Everett Collection
He had a memorable kiss on this show.
Image: The Everett Collection
He played himself — and a neighbor — on this sitcom in "What Makes Sammy Run?" in 1984.
Image: The Everett Collection
There was a double dose of Sammy in 1967's "The Greatest Entertainer in the World."
Image: The Everett Collection
He teamed with Lucy in "Lucy and Sammy Davis Jr." The year was 1970 — so which sitcom was it?
He turned up on "The Night of the Returning Dead."
Recognize his costars here?
Image: The Everett Collection
How about his costar here?
Image: The Everett Collection
The title of this kidnapping caper was called, well, "Sammy Davis Jr. Kidnap Caper."
He had a recurring role as Eddie Phillips on this soap opera in 1982.
Image: The Everett Collection
He appeared on this anthology series three times between 1958 and 1961. Here's a hint: The show was hosted by Ronald Reagan.
Image: The Everett Collection
He was a cop in a "Manhattan" episode of this sitcom, one of the color episodes.

Can you guess which TV shows Sammy Davis Jr. appeared on?
Your Result...
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"You got 11 out of 12" -------"Are you an honorary member of The Rat Pack... or did you just say "Rats!" Share your score below!" I only got #12 wrong.
11 out of 12. I thought it was All My Chikdren because Carol.Burnett was on it, according to herself on The Carol Burnett Show. I never watched any of those soaps back then because I was still a kid and hated soaps.