Can you guess the names of these popular toys from 1968?

What was on wish lists half a century ago?


We've gathered some of the hottest kid products — dolls, board games, cars and action figures — from that year's Sears catalog. Some of these things can still be found stocked on toy aisles. Others have faded in collectability.

Even if you weren't around back then, we bet you can take a good guess at the names. It was the late 1960s, after all. Good luck!
  1. These tiny Mattel cars were introduced in 1968.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  2. These cowboy figures came from which popular television Western?
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  3. This action hero known as "America's Movable Fighting Man" went to space in 1968.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  4. Who could forget these boxing, battling robots?
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  5. Kids could take a swing at these punchable inflatable bags.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  6. The players were hard to control, but it sure was fun.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  7. This "Seaview" model and plastic whale were tie-in toys for which TV show?
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  8. This "Landrover" was a toy promoting which popular TV show? Note the lion wearing glasses.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  9. This astronaut action figure was a must-have in the space age.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  10. This was the first board game designed to be played in the dark. It glowed!
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  11. Polly Poppy, Daffi Dill and Dizzy Daisy were all part of this super '60s toy line.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  12. The pocket-sized dolls lived in a groovy house.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web
  13. Mattel made these dolls with mod clothing and accessories.
     Image: Sears / Wishbook Web

Can you guess the names of these popular toys from 1968?

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WilliamJorns 10 months ago
12 right out of 13. I missed the name of the inflatable "Punch-Me" bags, but I got the rest correct. I did, however, guess on some of the doll names.
CaroleThorpe 13 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Pow! You really knocked this one out! Nice work.
JuneMiller 53 months ago
BONUS - What was the name of the lion?
BrianMoore JuneMiller 52 months ago
Francis the Crosseyed Lion?
MaryAnn BrianMoore 51 months ago
You made me laugh! 😆
Snickers JuneMiller 44 months ago
I think it was Clarance.
DavidBarker 56 months ago
You got 6 out of 13
Baby steps… better luck next time!

Missed all the doll ones! LOL
BrentwoodJon 56 months ago
Weebles Wabble but don't fall down.
TVChel 56 months ago
Oops! Thought I played with most of these in 1968!
joed2849 56 months ago
Got 10/13, considering I never heard of some of them. I did remember Daktari with Clarence the cross-eyed lion though. Does anyone remember a western character named Johnnie West (I think)? It was like a brown/gold colored figure about the same size as G.I. Joe.
MrBill 56 months ago
9/13; knew a few of these but had to guess on most - I was only a preschooler at that time.
KeithARies 56 months ago
l got 9 out of 13. l missed a bunch, but l NEVER even saw most of those! especially the girls stuff, l don't have any sisters.

Tlor 56 months ago
Missed 1, 13 and 5 guessed the rest
Lacey 69 months ago
10/13 and most of the ones I missed were doll names.
I am not sure what that means.
ImdaPrincesse 70 months ago
The Wishbook Web is an amazing place to waste time..
tjritter79 71 months ago
Had most of these myself. Even had the Daktari set made by Corgi. Had all the Corgi collectible vehicles: Yellow Submarine, Batmobile & Batboat, Black Beauty, Monkeemobile, James Bond's Astin Martin. If only I still had these today....
Douglas 71 months ago
Just an observation about image of the electronic football game. It probably wasn't from 1968. The teams shown were from before 1960 season. The NFL added 4 more teams by 1968.
tjritter79 Douglas 71 months ago
More teams were on the sides, not shown in the picture.
I got this myself as a gift from Sears that year. Rams/Packers
flasteve 71 months ago
Us guys without sisters had to guess on the doll one's. I got the Kiddles, but not the other two. I totally blew the Punch-Me's. I had a Major Matt Mason, but alas, too much bending made the wires come out of his body.... I was 11 in 68. Anybody else remember the little felt footballs with the Electric Football Games ? 10/13 for me.
tjritter79 flasteve 71 months ago
I remember Sea Devils, around that time too?
ImdaPrincesse flasteve 70 months ago
We had a Bozo Punch Me...
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