Are these behind-the-scenes images from the set of Bonanza or Gunsmoke?
Cameras in the Old West! Can you tell these TV crews apart?

Everett Collection
Bonanza and Gunsmoke remain two of the most popular Westerns to ever grace the small screen. They both had incredibly long runs from the Fifties to the Seventies, both had casts full of beloved actors and both could do comedy, drama and action equally well.
Another thing these classics had in common were the filming styles. Both utilized soundstage studio sets along with dramatic on-location shooting. Some significant episodes of both were shot almost entirely outside.
Here are a few rarely seen behind-the-scenes images from both shows. Can you guess which set each photo is from?

What show is this photo from?
Image: The Everett Collection
Can you tell which set this is?
Image: The Everett Collection
Do you know this show without seeing the actors' faces?
Image: The Everett Collection
This giant actor makes this tiny car look even smaller! Which set was this photo taken on?
Image: The Everett Collection
What is this picture from?
Image: The Everett Collection
Which set is this?
Image: The Everett Collection
This location shot is from which show?
Image: The Everett Collection
These background actors and crew are waiting on which set?
Image: The Everett Collection
Which set is this crew member decorating?
Image: The Everett Collection
This outdoor set is for which show?
Image: The Everett Collection

Are these behind-the-scenes images from the set of Bonanza or Gunsmoke?
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Are these behind-the-scenes images from the set of Bonanza or Gunsmoke?
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Surprised myself, didn't think I would ace it.
You got 10 out of 10
Did you drive away with this quiz or did some answers have a hard time fitting?
Surprised myself, didn't think I would ace it.