MeTV welcomes May with a ''May''berry night!

A marvelous Mayberry collection, a reunion movie, and even Mayberry in ''M*A*S*H''! See it all on Sunday, May 1!

We're pretty tired of all these April showers! To celebrate May and the coming of warmer weather, MeTV is having a "May"berry celebration on Sunday, May 1st, starting at 6P | 5C!

It starts with possibly theultimate fan-favorite episode of The Andy Griffith Show, "The Pickle Story"! Followed by Collector's Call where Andy Griffith trivia champ "Mayberry Mike" himself will be taking us through his collection of Mayberry memorabilia, then two hand-picked episodes of M*A*S*H that feature some familiar Mayberry faces! It all culminates with the reunion TV movie, Return to Mayberry. 

6P | 5C - The Andy Griffith Show - "The Pickle Story"

It's canning time again, and Aunt Bee has put up another batch of pickles. After realizing the only thing they're good for is killing flies brave enough to land on them, Andy and Barney decide to substitute store-bought for her homemade.

6:30P | 5:30C - Collector's Call - "Meet Mike Haviland"

Two-time world Andy Griffith Show trivia champion Mike "Mayberry Mike" Haviland has invited us down to the fishin' hole to see his magnificent Mayberry collection! From a replica 1964 patrol car to autographs from nearly the whole town of Mayberry, Mike's collection will have you saying "Shazam!" Plus, a special guest with a personal connection to our beloved TV sheriff!

7P | 6C - M*A*S*H - "Temporary Duty"

Guest starring George Lindsey! With a temporary transfer of personnel between the 4077th and the 8063rd, Captain Roy Dupree replaces Hawkeye, while Lorraine Anderson makes eyes at Charles. Fearing this to be permanent, Charles and B.J. successfully conspire to have Dupree permanently removed from the 4077th.

7:30P | 6:30C - M*A*S*H - "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet"

Guest starring Ron Howard! Frank throws his back out while spending the evening with Margaret, and ends up in traction. He promptly applies for the Purple Heart, having been 'technically' wounded at a frontline unit. Tommy Gillis, an old friend of Hawkeye's, is writing a book about the war, and pays him a visit.

8P | 7C - Return to Mayberry

Reprising their roles in the original Andy Griffith Show, Andy returns to Mayberry to run again for sheriff, only to discover his former deputy, Barney, has also entered the race.

Watch Collector's Call on MeTV!

Sundays at 6:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
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Iggy1556 21 months ago
Can’t wait to watch the Return to Mayberry movie on May 1. Haven’t seen that movie in a while. I have seen every episode of Mayberry. Enjoy them always!!!
TheSentinel 33 months ago
Too bad MeTV decided to only do one day of Mayberry this year - I was hoping to get to see the color TAGS episodes and Mayberry RFD again.
jdsundstrom 33 months ago
I watch MeTV through frndlyTV and, for some strange reason, "Return to Mayberry" was replaced with episodes of "The Andy Griffith Show". What happened? I was looking forward to getting the month of Mayberry started off right with the reunion movie!
KenAnderson 33 months ago
Loved the piece about Mike Havland. I have many of his items including the Mayberry jacket and a squad car. I travel all around Wisconsin as the Mayberry Guru. I have a Mayberry presentation that I have done 96 times now, and I am currently teaching a Mayberry Bible Study. I have raised over $7000 for my small hometown library through my presentations and book sales. I wrote a book called Mayberry Reflections the Early Years. My website is

whitte 33 months ago
I wish they’d ditch the cartoons in the early morning. Kids don’t have time to watch before school and us older folks like the old shows in the morning. Crazy to schedule it this way.
TheSentinel whitte 33 months ago
If they have PVRs as part of a digital cable or IPTV subscription, then they can easily record the episodes.
DanDo77 33 months ago
I wonder if METV planned to show the Star Trek episode with Clint Howard as "Baylock" and the episode of Land of the Giants when Ron Howard made a guest appearance as a child prodigy on Saturday's schedule, or if the shows just happened to be on the schedule as coincidence on the day before May 1st with all the Mayberry shows on the schedule. Clint Howard, (Ron Howard's brother) also appeared on one episode of Andy Griffith.
SalIanni 33 months ago
If May means "MAYberry" on Me-TV, then for June I would suggest "The Best Of JUNE Cleaver". I miss the Beaver. I wish my station could offer it again.
vinman63 33 months ago
Hard decision Mayberry Movie or Jodie Sweetin on Worst Cooks. How rude.
SalIanni vinman63 33 months ago
Even a test pattern would be better than "Full House" or even watching their cast members on other shows. No thank you.
DanDo77 vinman63 33 months ago
You can at least catch Jodie Sweetin on Full House earlier on Sunday before the Mayberry Movie and other Mayberry Shows. You can also see Jodie Sweetin (as she is today) on the CBS Show Beyond the Edge on Wednesday Nights at 9pm on right after Survivor.
MHelderman 33 months ago
What is MeTV Plus?
LoveMETV22 MHelderman 33 months ago
An experimental spinoff network of MeTV. It's currently only available in certain areas hopefully further expansion in the future.
RichardPniewski 33 months ago
Regarding "Return to Mayberry": What horrible thing did Opie do to Andy Jr. that makes them never speak of him?
JHP RichardPniewski 33 months ago
peggy gave Opie a note to meet andy and Opie pushed it into the WB at the courthouse:)

I mean is there any difference between peggy and HELLen crump?
MikefromJersey 33 months ago
Why is there nothing about MeTV Plus, which Comcast has just started airing.
Some very good shows, most of them the posters here have been asking for.
MeTV guys, you should do a better job promoting it.
Strike "better" job, you have done zero promotion, unless I missed it.
From what I understand, it's just being rolled out in a few cities. It will be a while until they decide to have it in other cities.
Thank you for the info.
I have to tell you, Hawaiian Eye is much better than the 77 Sunset Strip clone people
had led me to believe. The story lines are amazingly respectful of the people there,
which I wouldn't have expected. The Hollywood sets for their Hawaiian Village
PI offices are very well done. They also do a good job with footage they took
in Hawaii with the stars, to make you believe the series actually was filmed
in Hawaii. Connie Stevens is a revelation, she can sing, do comedy, drama,
and she is a knockout.
MeTV Plus runs a nightly block of Hawaii 5-0, 77 Sunset Strip and Hawaiian Eye
and they compliment each other.
Overall MeTV Plus has a better line up than it's big brother.
Weekends are for westerns like Lawman, plus Bosom Buddies, etc.
DanDo77 MikefromJersey 33 months ago
I notice the same thing. I didn't know about METV+ until I saw it one day on my Xfinity program guide. I just dropped Xfinity and now have AT&T DirectTV Stream. DirectTV does't offer METV on any of their offerings, but I was able to get both METV and METV+ on the local affiliate in the SF Bay area using an amplified antenna. Excellent reception on the antenna, except I can't DVR the shows.
TheSentinel EdwardKensik 33 months ago
KFFV in Seattle (a MeTV O&O) has already added MeTV Plus on one of its subchannels.
joedib65 34 months ago
I want to See Back to Mayberry when will that be on

joe dibenedetto
robert joedib65 34 months ago
Return to Mayberry will be on Sunday night 5/1 at 8PM. It was not that good. Griffith seemed disinterested in the whole thing. The plot had holes in it.
hermanstein2015 joedib65 33 months ago
It's still a great movie. If you loved the show you will enjoy it! Maybe even shed a tear or two.
DanDo77 joedib65 33 months ago
I agree, they could have done a much better job with the whole movie. It wasn't even filmed at the same location as the original show. The whole town looked different. The plot was poor and some of the characters including Andy Griffith seemed disinterested. I think he was too busy with his role as Matlock which was still on the air at that time. They could have done more to honor Floyd and Emmett and Aunt Bee who had already passed away. When CBS showed a Green Acres reunion, it was a much better reunion show. I wish METV would show the Green Acres reunion movie.
DZee DanDo77 33 months ago
The original Mayberry was torn down by the time this movie was made. Aunt Bee was still alive in 1986 when Return to Mayberry was filmed.....she passed in Dec. 1989. Matlock had just started the same year...1986. I thought Return to Mayberry was OK......but the Green Acres reunion was awful. (there's a poor copy of it on YouTube.)
JHP robert 33 months ago
NOOO! not a AG show:)

here I went out bought some great coffee and bourbon to stay awake to watch it:)
JHP 34 months ago
In My Humble Opinion

This pic when 1st observed looked like it was taken in a junkyard
WordsmithWorks 34 months ago
Looks like a good night of TV. I get that the "Goober" on M*A*S*H episode fits in the programming block, but that was never a favorite with me. And I would have shown "Opie the Birdman" before "The Pickle Store." But still pretty solid.
joedib65 WordsmithWorks 34 months ago
when will back to Mayberry be on I missed it

joe dibenedetto
LoveMETV22 joedib65 33 months ago
You didn't miss it. It's on this Sunday May 1st.
Michael 34 months ago
I guess budget cuts have reduced the event from a month long of special programming to one day.
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LoveMETV22 Pacificsun 33 months ago
That sounds like a fun idea. Like :
Who are your favorite MeTV Moms.
1) ....
2) ....
Etc ....
Pacificsun LoveMETV22 33 months ago
This *has* to be off-topic, because there hasn't been a ST:TOS "story" all this year, only quizzes, for which we should be grateful enough, I get it. But I wanted to post this currently, leading up to Mother's Day, if Memorable TV wants to carry out the theme.

The link is an interview that Rod Roddenberry gave talking about his mom. Which every die-hard fan has come across.
by: Rob Roddenberry,
published in INVERSE,
subject: his Mom, Majel Barrett
theme: Mother’s Day in May!
current date: 4-28-2022

So what are the take-aways? Ahhh, it's so genuine that it wouldn't be fair to share in lieu of the author.
Pacificsun LoveMETV22 33 months ago
1. June Cleaver (for real)
2. Morticia Addams (for fun)
3. Carol Brady (as a babysitter)
LoveMETV22 Pacificsun 33 months ago
Thank you. What a beautiful article. I was glad to read at the end that he is an executive producer
on all current Star Trek TV series.
MrsPhilHarris 34 months ago
I guess The Pickle Story is the most popular episode. Not my fav.
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MrsPhilHarris Pacificsun 33 months ago
I would have thought Opie The Bird Man too. Personally I don’t care for it.

I can’t believe Aunt Bee’s pickle could be that bad.
MrsPhilHarris JHP 33 months ago
Exactly! Had she no taste buds? 🤔
MrsPhilHarris robert 33 months ago
Convicts At Large is a fun episode.
Pacificsun robert 33 months ago
Well they didn't loathe each other, exactly. She was yet another actor who fancied her stage presence as a top notch performer, and TAGs was after all, *just* a TV Show. My hunch is she didn't have much of a sense of humor, so if you were in her place, wouldn't all those crazy characters start driving you nuts too?? But it was good pay, steady and popular, so she didn't want to quit. In the end, I believe peace was made between AG and Bavier, a reasonable time before her death. She was also given second billing in the credits. Which those TAGs years probably earned her a decent retirement. Give Andy Griffith credit for not holding grudges and just being considerate of other people.
Moriyah 34 months ago
This is way different from how I remember it being last year and a couple of years ago. Please add Gomer into the event next year! Because I've really enjoyed it the last couple of years, and I would want to see more coming!
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LoveMETV22 Pacificsun 33 months ago
LOL. I bet she knows the episode, unless she said that based on the Wikipedia page. I just looked it up, it gives the episode on a couple of websites. LOL
Moriyah Pacificsun 33 months ago
He said it on one of the episodes
Moriyah LoveMETV22 33 months ago
The answer is right here:
LoveMETV22 Moriyah 33 months ago
I'm sure you knew the episode even without a link. Correct? Love your GP enthusiasm.
cperrynaples 34 months ago
Fun Fact: "The Pickle Story" is one of 2 episodes that were colorized!
Pacificsun cperrynaples 34 months ago
Its always interesting the see the Sets translated into the colors they are. But for me, TAGs loses a little bit in translation when it's not in Black and White. I think for the reason, that it's more nostalgic, the way we keep older memories of some things.
JHP cperrynaples 34 months ago
would like to know the color of those kerosene fly killers
MrsPhilHarris Pacificsun 33 months ago
My sentiments exactly.
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