Which M*A*S*H character are you?

Which M*A*S*H character are you? Take this personality test and find out.

 Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

M*A*S*H is the greatest television show of all time. Arguably. What is inarguable is that the pioneering series was years ahead of its time. The Korean War–set classic broke the mold of the traditional sitcom, getting away from fake living-room sets and cute kids. The balance of heavy, adult themes and humorous, often silly antics blazed a trail for shows like The Office. What other show could have gorilla costumes and a beautiful, sad theme song titled "Suicide Is Painless"?

What made the series soar was its ensemble, both the rich character writing and the pitch-perfect performances. Even though few of us can relate to the specific experience of being at a Mobile Army Surgery Hospital in Uijeongbu, South Korea, there's a little bit of everyone in these characters.

So, that begs the question: Which M*A*S*H character are you? Take this personality test and find out.

Watch M*A*S*H on MeTV!

Weeknights at 6 PM, Sundays at 7 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Pick a hat to wear.
  2. You could use a drink. What's in your cup?
  3. Pick an outfit from the closet.
  4. To which Marx Brother do you most relate?
  5. What kind of prank would you pull on your friends?
  6. What kind of leader would you be?
  7. How would you most like to earn a Purple Heart?
  8. Pick a school to root for.
  9. What personality trait matters most to you?
  10. How do you want to go out?
  11. Where would you like to settle down and retire?
  12. Have you ever had a crush on a coworker?
  13. In high school, you were a…
  14. How would you show someone that you love them?
  15. How good are you at your job?

Which M*A*S*H character are you?

Your Result...

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Lynn 5 months ago
Hawkeye. I can live with that!
TheFanFromUNCLE 13 months ago
I got Henry Blake. He's a good guy but he's a little wishy-washy at times.
Ghostorm78 18 months ago
I got Klinger, which is awesome, since Like Jamie Farr I also am from Toledo, Ohio
StephanieD 19 months ago
I got Hot Lips Houlihan, she is like me in so many ways.
RADAR_OREILLY 21 months ago
I got Radar I love him he is my favorite has anyone gotten Father Mulcahy ?
JDWJDW2 24 months ago
I got my very favorite character Radar O'Reilly.
Lillyrose 24 months ago
Klinger. I would have rather been Radar.
AnnieM 25 months ago
Apparently, I am Radar, even though I chose the cowboy hat! 🤠
JustGeri 25 months ago
Klinger supposedly, but I would have preferred BJ or Col. Potter.
FestusFan2312 25 months ago
Col. Potter. Whoa partner…anything else would be a busload of bushwah!
Rocamato 25 months ago
I got Hawkeye,
Couldn’t be happier
richardkel 25 months ago
I got BJ. No surprise. Like BJ, I am steady, dependable, and loyal to friends and family. I work hard when the time comes for it. I also like to joke, have fun, and drink a beer now and then. Life has to have balance to it, and he is probably one of the most balanced characters on the show.
Coldnorth 25 months ago
Now that I think of it I am more of a BJ. But I’m female of course
richardkel Coldnorth 25 months ago
Same here.
RichLorn 25 months ago
My chest isn't bad, but I have horrible legs.
DK 25 months ago
Sherman Potter. I'd rather have Klinger's wardrobe.
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