Which decade do you truly belong in?
Is your heart still in the 1980s?

Many people feel as if they were born in the wrong era. Maybe you were born in the '80s and wish you had the chance to experience the 1970s. Or maybe, you did get to live through your favorite era, and yearn to return to those days. Perhaps, however, you're content right where you are!
With the following six questions, we're betting we can determine what decade really has your heart. Find out below!
Let's get the day started! What shoes are you putting on before you leave the house?
Mustangs are timeless. Which model are you getting in to run your errands?
What CD will you be listening to?
The kids are playing video games when you get home. What console do you have attached to your TV?
It's been a long day. Which couch are you ready to plop down on?
Time to kick the kids off the video games. It's movie time! Which Steven Spielberg classic are you turning on?

Which decade do you truly belong in?
Your Result...
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If I had my choice of movies based on a classic Science Fiction novel it would have been HG Welles' The Time Machine.
Musically I would have preferred either Led Zeppelin I or II over Houses of the Holy.
Musically I would have preferred either Led Zeppelin I or II over Houses of the Holy.
Tough choice between the first two sofas but as a 90s kid who's never left that decade and never going to, the result makes sense.
You belong in the '70s
Everything was better in the groovy '70s, wasn't it?
I chose War of the Worlds only because it was the one I've seen and I have only seen the original, I don't like remakes or reboots or whatever they're being called today.
Everything was better in the groovy '70s, wasn't it?
I chose War of the Worlds only because it was the one I've seen and I have only seen the original, I don't like remakes or reboots or whatever they're being called today.