Can you guess which 1960s show these celebrities are on?

Try to see past the star power of Dick Clark and the Wicked Witch.

Ready to prove your love of 1960s TV? Take this quiz and see if you can guess the shows these major guest stars appeared on! 

Only the biggest fans of 1960s television can instantly detect the correct answer from clues in each scene. Good luck!
  1. Sharon Tate was dubbed the Most Promising Newcomer in the 1960s. Which TV show is she on here?
  2. "America's Oldest Teenager," Dick Clark was a fixture of American Bandstand throughout the '60s and beyond. Which TV show is he on here?
  3. Even in the 1960s, Margaret Hamilton was still the Wicked Witch to audiences. Which TV show is she on here?
     Image: MGM Television
  4. Kurt Russell's career began in the 1960s as a strapping young man. Which TV show is he on here?
  5. In the 1960s, famous funnyman Don Rickles turned up on dozens of hit shows, both dramas and sitcoms. Which show is he on here?
  6. In the mid-'60s Lee Van Cleef made his mark in 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" trilogy. Which TV Western is he on here?
  7. Carol Burnett became TV's top star after her show debuted in 1967. Which TV show is she on here?
  8. Robert Redford's career kicked off right when the 1960s began, with a string of TV appearances. Which show is he on here?
  9. Before the 1970s made him a movie star, Jack Nicholson appeared on TV throughout the 1960s. Which TV show is he on here?
  10. Some of the final scenes of silent film star Buster Keaton's career played out on 1960s TV. Which show is he on here?

Can you guess which 1960s show these celebrities are on?

Your Result...

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johnnyok1 34 months ago
Buster Keaton was a toss up between Twilight Zone and My favorite Martian, but I guessed right so I scored 100%. That, and a quarter will get me...Hmmm, absolutely nothing.
The rest of them seemed pretty easy.
DerekBird 41 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Danger, Will Robinson - we've come across a 1960s TV expert here!
ttenchantr 41 months ago
If you had cropped out all of the back of James Arness's head I would never have guess which terrible Western it was.
Mymylynn 41 months ago
9/10 didn't pay attention to the Jane Hathaway nameplate on questions 1. 🙄
ndebrabant 55 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Danger, Will Robinson - we've come across a 1960s TV expert here!
DarioWiter 55 months ago
Aced it! A perfect 10! 👌👌👌👌👌 👍👍👍👍👍 😁😁😁😁😁
jerseyguy2468 55 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Danger, Will Robinson - we've come across a 1960s TV expert here!
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
Danger, Will Robinson - we've come across a 1960s TV expert here!

Pretty cool to see some of these stars on other shows
Stephen 69 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Danger, Will Robinson - we've come across a 1960s TV expert here!

Missed #3
boopinbama 69 months ago
9/10 missed lost in space,I put star trek
jeopardyhead 77 months ago
#1 was easy enough without the "Jane Hathaway" nameplate. Was that an oversight on whomever put this together? On another note, it occurred to me several years ago that Buster Keaton would have made a good guest star on The Monkees.
CaptainDunsel jeopardyhead 55 months ago
I didn't notice the nameplate. But Miss Hathaway was easy enough to identify from her stance.
ttenchantr jeopardyhead 41 months ago
All of the photos have these kinds of clues in them. If you're even vaguely familiar with the show you'll get it.
johnnyok1 ttenchantr 34 months ago, "And now it's time for Mr. Know it all." you must remember Rocky and Bullwinkle.
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