When was it cheaper to buy these products — then or now?
The answers (and prices) will surprise you!

We like to think everything was cheaper back in the day. Of course, at face value, everything seemed cheap. You watch an old movie and a detective gets a slice of pie and a cup o' joe for a nickel.
Of course, it's all relative. Was it really cheaper when you adjust for inflation?
We used an inflation calculator to compare prices of everyday products then and now.
Try to guess the more expensive item!
Did a Big Mac (in Illinois) cost more when it launched in 1968… or does it cost more today?
Image: McDonald's
Was it more expensive to buy The Beatles' White Album on vinyl when it came out in 1968… or does it cost most today?
Image: thebeatles.com
Which do you think is more expensive — this cordless phone in 1985 or a brand new Samsung Galaxy today?
Images: Radio Shack / Samsung
Was it more expensive to buy a Ford Mustang in 1964… or is it more expensive today?
Images: Ford
Was it more expensive to buy Monopoly in 1957… or does the board game cost more today?
Images: Sears / Target.com
Was it more expensive to buy a new Batman comic book in 1966… or is a new Batman comic more expensive today?
Image: DC Comics
Was it more expensive to buy this color TV in 1970… or is this mammoth new TV in 2020 more expensive?
Images: Sears / Samsung
Was it more expensive to buy this 1991 laptop from Radio Shack… or is this new MacBook Pro more expensive?
Was a copy of The New York Times more expensive in 1974… or is it more expensive today?
Image: New York Times

When was it cheaper to buy these products — then or now?
Your Result...
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You got 9 out of 9
Can you believe how much technology cost back then? At least reading was a lot cheaper!
Can you believe how much technology cost back then? At least reading was a lot cheaper!
(Is it cheaper to hurl my cell phone against the wall, or accept the fact that on almost every MeTV quiz it will misregister at least one of my clicks and score a "wrong" answer I didn't give?)
(Is it cheaper to hurl my cell phone against the wall, or accept the fact that on almost every MeTV quiz it will misregister at least one of my clicks and score a "wrong" answer I didn't give?)
7 for 9. They should have asked which was more expensive to watch, TV today versus 1980.
Obviously it was free in 1980, on the other hand we wouldn't have had our MeTV.
Now if only MeTV would junk the crapfest known as Barnaby Jones, PU what a stinker!
Trite plots that were old in the 1950's and star Buddy Ebsen phoning in his lousy
performance. John Barrymore's body could have been propped up behind Barnaby's
desk and would would have shown more life than Ebsen did in the role.
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Obviously it was free in 1980, on the other hand we wouldn't have had our MeTV.
Now if only MeTV would junk the crapfest known as Barnaby Jones, PU what a stinker!
Trite plots that were old in the 1950's and star Buddy Ebsen phoning in his lousy
performance. John Barrymore's body could have been propped up behind Barnaby's
desk and would would have shown more life than Ebsen did in the role.
JR wrote - " we don’t always watch tv for the searing social commentary or high production value. Sometimes we need some lighthearted escapism. MeTv shows bring back good memories."
Well said, I agree with you 100%. There is a place for a Gilligans Island.
Despite it's silliness the spirited cast of mostly old pros was always in
there pitching, the writers providing the required off kilter scripting. They made an effort
to attract top notch comedic guest stars such as Phil Silvers, Hans Conrad etc who all seemed
to be having a ball. Throw in the iconic theme song, and it is obvious everyone involved was
making an effort that has resulted in a slap stick legend that is entering it's 6th decade being
seen around the world.
Barnaby Jones by contrast was banal filler, no one was trying but what the heck QM was
getting paid for this junk. At any rate, why upset the B.J. cultists and the MeTV programmers
who believe B.J. is quality TV. Instead they have convinced me there couldn't possibly be a
better series to run in it's stead, so I will cease harping on the subject.
Well said, I agree with you 100%. There is a place for a Gilligans Island.
Despite it's silliness the spirited cast of mostly old pros was always in
there pitching, the writers providing the required off kilter scripting. They made an effort
to attract top notch comedic guest stars such as Phil Silvers, Hans Conrad etc who all seemed
to be having a ball. Throw in the iconic theme song, and it is obvious everyone involved was
making an effort that has resulted in a slap stick legend that is entering it's 6th decade being
seen around the world.
Barnaby Jones by contrast was banal filler, no one was trying but what the heck QM was
getting paid for this junk. At any rate, why upset the B.J. cultists and the MeTV programmers
who believe B.J. is quality TV. Instead they have convinced me there couldn't possibly be a
better series to run in it's stead, so I will cease harping on the subject.
Given a choice of Gilligan's Island or Barnaby Jones, I'll take Barnaby any day of the week.Frankly, I'm glad to see Barnaby and sick of The Rifleman, Bonanza, Big Valley, Shane, Hondo, Wagon Train, Gilligan's Island, Green Acres, and The Beverly Hillbillies. Mannix is okay but NOT at 2a.m. !
savoycheer wrote:
21 minutes ago
"Given a choice of Gilligan's Island or Barnaby Jones, I'll take Barnaby any day of the week.Frankly, I'm glad to see Barnaby and sick of The Rifleman, Bonanza, Big Valley, Shane, Hondo, Wagon Train, Gilligan's Island, Green Acres, and The Beverly Hillbillies. Mannix is okay but NOT at 2a.m. !"
Hi Savoy, I do agree with you that MeTV keeps running the same series over and over till
one grows tired of them. Channels used to give series a breather, at least for the summer.
Why not run the little seen "Mayberry RFD" for awhile instead of the Andy Griffith Show?
It's not as good but it ain't bad, it did feature things like Andy and Helen's wedding and the
last appearance of Barney Fife.
You got 5 out of 9. I don't pay that kind of money for stuff now, let alone back in the day lol. But I wasn't born til 89!