Poll: How do you like to watch TV?
See how your viewing habits compare to everyone else’s!

Television fans are as varied as the shows they love. Some people like comedies, some like dramas. Some think snacks and TV are the perfect combo but others can't bear the thought of food on the couch. What kind of TV fan are you?
This poll asks about all the ways people watch TV. Pick which answer best applies to you and see what percentage of people made the same choice! Whether you run with the pack or go against the grain, all TV fans share a love for great entertainment.
What size TV screen do you like best?
Where do you sit to watch your favorite shows?
What room do you watch the most TV in?
What time of day you most like to watch TV?
What do you like to eat while you watch TV?
Who do you like to watch TV with?
Who controls the remote?
How high do you like your TV volume?
What kind of TV shows do you like the most?
How many different shows do you like to watch?

Poll: How do you like to watch TV?
Your Result...
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Once again, a not-very-well-thought-out-quiz from the Millennials at MeTV. Example: #3. I _answered_ that I watch TV in the living room, but I don't -- I watch it in my media room, but there's no selection for that. Media room could also be lumped with family room, bonus room, den, whatever. The point is the choices were too restrictive.
I still my JVC videosphere (the TV depicted above) purchased in 1972. It was white now turned a bit cream colored. What's missing in the picture is the clear front covering. They are conversation pieces.
The Answer Is: Sunday, November 8th, 2020
The Question Is: When did Alex Trebek pass away. Condolences to his family and friends. R.I.P.
The Question Is: When did Alex Trebek pass away. Condolences to his family and friends. R.I.P.
90% similar. Apparently, MeTV fans are a bunch of solitary, remote-hogging, casually snacking people of specific tastes with day jobs and moderate levels of disposable income.