It takes a true film buff to know the names of the top movies of 1969

These blockbusters are real brain teasers.

Americans went to see far artier films in 1969. Need evidence? Take a look at the top-grossing movies from that year. (Not yet. That would be cheating.) 

Sure, there were a few cowboys and spies getting into action, but elsewhere plots dealt with relationships and explored emotions. They were based on acclaimed literary novels and stage plays. There was hardly a talking robot or superhero fish man in sight.

No wonder some of them are rather obscure today. They raked in big bucks back then, but they would be cult indie releases today. Despite the big names on the marquee.

It takes a true movie expert to ace this one. Give it a shot.

  1. The biggest blockbuster of 1969 grossed a whopping $102 million — more than twice the competition: Butch Cassidy and the _______ Kid
     Image: 20th Century Fox
  2. The No. 2 movie of 1969 certainly made a "Buck": Midnight _______.
     Image: United Artists
  3. The third highest grossing film of 1969 cruised to $42 million: Easy ______.
     Image: Columbia
  4. There was a new 007 in the No. 10 movie of 1969: On _____ Majesty's Secret Service
     Image: United Artists
  5. The No. 19 movies of 1969 was filmed in Mexico: The _______ Bunch
     Image: Warner Bros.
  6. Barbra belted tunes in the No. 4 movie of 1969: Hello, _______!
     Image: 20th Century Fox
  7. The No. 5 film of 1969 focused on two couples: Bob & Carol & Ted & _______?
     Image: Columbia
  8. The No. 23 gave thanks for its $6 million haul: _________ Restaurant?
     Image: United Artists
  9. Clint Eastwood starred in the No. 6 movie of 1969: Paint Your _______?
     Image: Paramount
  10. TV stars Walther Matthau and Goldie Hawn starred in the No. 8 movie of 1969: Cactus ______?
     Image: Columbia
  11. The No. 17 movie of 1969 featured Jane Fonda and a dance contest: They Shoot _______, Don't They?
     Image: Cinerama
  12. Liza Minnelli starred in the No. 14 movie of 1969: The _______ Cuckoo?
     Image: Paramount
  13. The colorful No. 11 film of 1969 was a foreign export from Sweden: I Am Curious (_______).
     Image: Janus Films
  14. The No. 9 film of 1969 cast Ali MacGraw in a Phillip Roth adaptation: Goodbye, ________?
     Image: Paramount
  15. The No. 27 movie of 1969 featured familiar faces from TV and filmed all across Europe: If It's Tuesday, This Must Be _______?
     Image: United Artists

It takes a true film buff to know the names of the top movies of 1969

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CaroleThorpe 32 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
You cruised right through that! Did you go to film school?
MikeBaker 35 months ago
13/15 Not to bad considering I was only 12 and didn't see a one of them.
joshdriod 55 months ago
wow, this is great 1969 is a long time ago can't think of any movie from that time because obviously I was not born then. anyway if you need a good site to download the latest songs, comedy videos and movies check out waptrick.
rycki1138 57 months ago
15 out of 15
You cruised right through that! Did you go to film school?
idkwut2use 57 months ago
Got a dozen. Love Paint Your Wagon, Cactus Flower, & Hello Dolly!
Runeshaper 64 months ago
You got 10 out of 15
You cruised right through that! Did you go to film school?

Better than I thought I was going to do LOL
Amalthea 66 months ago
15/15. This actually surprised me, since I was only turning 5 that autumn. I HAVE seen quite a few of them since. "They Shoot Horses" is positively heartbreaking. My favorite relevant piece of trivia is that "Easy Rider" would have never been made if it weren't for the Monkees! (I finally got to see that just last year...again, FINALLY.)
Geronimo 72 months ago
Not bad.......................11/15
Lacey 73 months ago
15/15 without thinking twice.
Guess what I do on Saturday nights.
Geronimo Lacey 72 months ago
Nothing, liar like Trump!
leebillyold 73 months ago
Not easy 8/10.
Snickers leebillyold 38 months ago
Yes but there's 15 questions.
EllisClevenger 73 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
You cruised right through that! Did you go to film school?
UTZAAKE 73 months ago
14/15. Foiled by #13.
Very highly recommended: #2 & #5. The latter airs more often on TCM than the former.
9. Lee Marvin singing is priceless!
booster 73 months ago
14/15 Missed #10. There was a movie called "Cactus Rose", but that came out in 1992.
Barry22 73 months ago
15/15, know my movies. Saw most of them. Watch them now they do seem kind of dated. Goodbye Columbus still makes me laugh, especially the wedding segment.
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