Can you identify these 10 savory snacks on sight?

You're guaranteed to feel salty if you miss any of these chips!

Salty snacks, they're a staple in any TV fan's pantry, the natural extension of enjoying a bowl of popcorn at the pictures. Over the years, we've kept on crunching some of these beloved chips and crackers, but others have been plucked from shelves, reduced to crumbs brushed off the shirt of snack food history.

Here, we've mixed up a bunch of savory snacks to see if you can I.D. these salty munchies on sight. Prove you're the ultimate snack fan by naming every one, or end the quiz salty you missed out on some cheesy, corn-puffed perfection. Good luck keeping your stomach from growling!
  1. Invented in 1948, there's nothing spotty about this cheese snack's sustained popularity:
  2. Once you pop these chips, you're in danger of converting to the can for life:
  3. These savory snacks were basically invented to scoop up dip:
  4. Released in 1967, the very first flavor of this triangular chip that's still popular today was Taco:
  5. The ridges of these chips have been a focal point of commercials for decades:
  6. It's a perfect circle for fans of savory snacks who don't weep at the smell of onion:
  7. These chips are shaped like cones and fit perfectly on the end of your finger:
  8. While Nabisco was having fun with shapes, they came out with these flower-shaped chips:
  9. This cheese cracker is a much-missed mix between a Cheez-It and a breadstick:
  10. Last one's for real snack fans. These cheesy discs went by what catchy name?

Can you identify these 10 savory snacks on sight?

Your Result...

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Xsquid 34 months ago
You got 10 out of 10

You clearly know about that rea
Snickers 41 months ago
10 for 10 ate way to much junk food.
Tony 41 months ago
Pringles are terrible. By law, they're not allowed to call them potato chips because they don't contain enough potato. That's just sad.
WILD 41 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You clearly know about that real cheesy flavor...
idkwut2use 56 months ago
Missed #8, but I knew it was either Daisys or Posys. Pringles have gotten too flat to fit on your hand.
LeeHarper 66 months ago
Rickey 66 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You clearly know about that real cheesy flavor...
Lacey 73 months ago
I use to eat #9 but did not remember the name.
Dan 73 months ago
I loved Tid-Bits when I was a kid, I would split them apart and then eat them. Original Bugles are good, but my favorite were the cinnamon flavored ones they made many years ago, wish they would bring those back.
nerakr 73 months ago
9/10. The kiddos love Funyons. And who can forget the slogan "R-ruffles have r-ridges?"
BrownieMom 73 months ago
BrittReid 73 months ago
10/10 I got an A in junk food...
Brownthunder 73 months ago
10 for 10 I tried all of them, tid bits were the best, miss them
EllisClevenger 73 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You clearly know about that real cheesy flavor...
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