Is this Mary Tyler Moore in The Dick Van Dyke Show or something else?

She was in commercials, Westerns and detective shows before the iconic sitcom.


When Mary Tyler Moore was cast on The Dick Van Dyke Show at 24, she was still relatively unknown. Though she got on TV right out of high school, she mostly played small roles in Westerns and detective shows those first few years.

Here are 15 images of Moore from early in her career through Dick Van Dyke. Can you tell which ones are from the classic sitcom and which ones are from something else?

  1. What is this from?
  2. What is this from?
  3. What is this from?
  4. What is this from?
  5. What is this from?
  6. What is this from?
  7. What is this from?
  8. What is this from?
  9. What is this from?
  10. What is this from?
  11. What is this from?
  12. What is this from?
  13. What is this from?
  14. What is this from?
  15. What is this from?

Is this Mary Tyler Moore in The Dick Van Dyke Show or something else?

Your Result...

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Ric 43 months ago
Greetings. Ms. Moore was a wonderful actor and performer. We grew up enjoying her work. What a Blessing!
JHP 46 months ago
ya know Me-TV - you pulled so many pics off a ep I cannot stand "The gunslinger"

Craigg 46 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
Did you get a kick out of this quiz?
Mukusthebadd1 49 months ago
I got question number xxx wrong!
Silly me!
Vee 49 months ago
14/15 - missed the last one!!
QazWiz Vee 47 months ago
that fooled me too
jerrysays 49 months ago
Mary Tyler Moore , her start may have sort of started slow , but that slow start was for a very short period ,and when she hit the big time , she sure did, and another thing , she proved that a woman , didn't have be a 6 foot blue eye blonde to make in Hollywood,she Proved just how talented she was , and she was , and when she passed , a true super star , has left , and there is No replacing someone like her .
a1k9 49 months ago
15/15 I am an expert when it involves Mary Tyler Moore and also Dick Van Dyke.
LeslieK1966 49 months ago
Got 14 out of 15.... pretty good. The quiz was fun, & great memories of The Dick Van Dyke show. MTM was a wonderful actress
r2004bert 49 months ago
14 out of 15. I, too, know my Dick van Dyke show.
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