How well do you really know Archie Bunker?
Here's your chance to test your knowledge of the All in the Family patriarch.

Sony Pictures Television
Are you "all in" on All in the Family? Are you practically a bunkmate with the Bunkers? Here's your chance to test your knowledge of the family patriarch, Archie.
From 1971-1983, Carroll O'Connor portrayed the Norman Lear-created character, netting four Emmys along the way. Do you have an award-winning amount of trivia knowledge on deck? Or would Archie berate you for being dumb?

What astrological sign is Archie?
What does Archie think Richard M. Nixon's middle initial is?
After Archie served in WWII, who got him a job on the docks?
How many episodes of All In the Family DO NOT feature Archie Bunker??
What's Archie's address?
What is final episode of TV that Archie appears on?
Where was Archie stationed while he served in WWII?
Before the start of season 1, how long have Archie and Edith been married?
What was Archie's father's occupation?
What is the name of Archie's brother?

How well do you really know Archie Bunker?
Your Result...
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Stifle yourself, you got 7 out of 10 - Say, not bad! Maybe you're not such a meathead after all. Considering I guessed on about 8 of them, I'll take it.
I received a score of 8/10 which I thought was great because it has been 53 years since I watched "All in the Family". Also, I lived in West Germany starting in 1973 which had no American television. I could watch German and French television which I could not understand. But, on the French television station I did see the last man who was put to death by the guillotine in 1957; I saw no pain on his face, no blood, and no screaming.