How well do you know Curly of The Three Stooges?
Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!

Image: Hanna-Barbera / Warner Bros.
Curly remains a fan-favorite amongst fans of The Three Stooges. The lovable goof had all the catchphrases, like "Woob, woob, woob!", "Nyahh-ahhh-ahhh!" and "Soitenly!"
Behind the scenes, Curly Howard differed from his onscreen persona. Let's see how well you know this comedy legend.
Tune in to see the best of Curly Howard all this fall on MeTV every Saturday at 6PM | 5C. We call it "Fall for Curly!"
The Three Stooges® is a registered trademark of C3 Entertainment, Inc. ©2019 C3 Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

How old is Curly in relation to his Howard brothers, Moe and Shemp?
In the children's series and movie 'Captain Underpants,' characters attend a school named after Curly's given name. What is it called?
What was the name of the one-hit wonder that scored a novelty pop hit with the song "The Curly Shuffle" in 1984?
What was Moe Howard's nickname for his brother? It wasn't "Curly."
How old was Curly Howard when he died?
Who played Curly Howard in the 2012 Farrelly brothers film 'The Three Stooges'?
How many times was Curly Howard married?
Complete the title of this 1938 short from The Three Stooges: "______ Is the Word for Curly."
Curly Howard walked with a limp. How did he injure his leg as a 12-year-old?
What was Curly's talent in "Nutty But Nice" (1940)?
What was his character's name in "You Nazty Spy!" (1940)?
What was the title of the final short from The Three Stooges to star Curly Howard in 1947?
Following his stroke, Curly made a small cameo appearance in a 1947 short. It was the only time we saw him with his hair grown out. What was this short called?
In "Three Little Sew and Sews" (1939), Curly pretends to be what?
In the Hanna-Barbara cartoon 'The Robonic Stooges,' Frank Welker voiced Curly, seen above. Welker also voiced which Scooby-Doo character?
Curly Howard made one solo short without the other Stooges. What was this 1934 film called?

How well do you know Curly of The Three Stooges?
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Ah-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba! Better luck next time!
You know MeTV, some of theses quizzes you guys do are too hard for a lot of people. You guys really want to hurt our brains for this!?
You got 10 out of 16
Ah-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba! Better luck next time!
Okay, so I didn't know "Curly" as well as I thought as I did, but it wasn't for a lack of trying, you dig? NYUK-NYUK-NYUK!
"ahhhhh PEPA!"
You got 15 out 16
Oh, a WISE guy, eh? You soitenly know your stuff!