Can you recognize all these guest stars on I Love Lucy?
Movie stars, character actors and a future TV mogul all appeared on the show!
CBS Television Distribution
I Love Lucy is one of the most iconic sitcoms to ever grace the small screen. While Lucille Ball was undoubtedly the main draw, there were many episodes with famous guest stars — mostly playing versions of themselves.
Here are 15 different people who appeared on the show. Some are classic film celebrities, others you may recognize from their many TV roles.
See if you can properly name each one!
What famous movie star is this on the left?
Speaking of stars, who is this peaking over the booth?
Which Marx brother is Lucy mirroring here?
You may recognize this actor from The Andy Griffith Show as...
Here is Lucy with which famous film director?
She played Lucy's drama teacher here but later became famous on which show?
Who is this classic Hollywood star?
Lucy couldn't wait to meet this actor standing next to Desi. It's...
She was in "The Charm School" episode of I Love Lucy but you may recognize her from her later role on...
What famous comedian is in this scene with Lucy?
While most famous for her later sitcom role, she was in the "Country Club Dance" episode of I Love Lucy. Do you know her name?
The actor on the far left went on to become a famous television producer. It's...
You may recognize this character actor from many different classic TV shows. Can you remember his name?
This actress was a voice on The Flintstones. It's...
This young actor would later appear in which 1980s action movie franchise?
Can you recognize all these guest stars on I Love Lucy?
Your Result...
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I Love Lucy - Bitter Grapes
I Love Lucy - I Heart Lucy
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I Love Lucy - Faces Bandana
I Love Lucy - Cartoon Love
I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines
I Love Lucy - Bitter Grapes
I Love Lucy - Trading Card
I Love Lucy - Nostalgic City
I Love Lucy - 8 Days a Week
I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines
I Love Lucy - Bitter Grapes
I Love Lucy - Umpire
I Love Lucy - Santa
I Love Lucy - Hot Stuff
I Love Lucy - Smashing
I Love Lucy - Sweet & Sassy
I Love Lucy - Vita Comic
I Love Lucy - Work of Art
I knew most of them except Aaron Spelling. It's a tossup with me at which show I like best, between I Love Lucy or The Honeymooners. They are both great shows.
I'm UNABLE to watch ANY of the shows I want to watch Lucy), but I am able to watch programs I don't care to watch, Gun Smoke. Also, unfortunately, the notification doesn't chime. I'm NOT enjoyong this app at all.
In the original "Rambo" ("First Blood) I did find it mildly difficult to take Richard Crenna seriously as a tough green beret, having only seen him before in those old reruns of Our Miss Brooks and that spot on I Love Lucy - in both of which he plays a green, nerdy kid.
missed 2 but i think hardly anyone could recognize aaron spelling or barbarbara eden from those stills