Can you pick the correct TV title from the opening credits of hit shows?
Test your eye for classic TV titles.

The opening credits of classic shows like Bonanza, The Twilight Zone, Gilligan's Island, Charlie's Angels and many more become nearly as iconic as the characters we cherish.
That's why true classic TV fans can tell the difference when even the tiniest thing is off when it comes to the their favorite shows.
Below, we've slightly altered the title screens of classic shows to see if the differences jump out at you. See how many you can remember right! Good luck!
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of Green Acres:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of The Twilight Zone:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of Happy Days:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of M*A*S*H:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of Gilligan's Island:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of Charlie's Angels:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of Leave It to Beaver:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of Bonanza:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of Lost in Space:
Pick the correct TV title below from the opening credits of My Three Sons:

Can you pick the correct TV title from the opening credits of hit shows?
Your Result...
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I CAN not find a difference in the Charlie's Angels one at all.
Number 10 had me scratching my head for differences until i finally spotted the sock colors, whey that was a tough one. It was a pure guess based on the one that looked the best.
10/10. I thought I might not know some of these, but I knew there was something wrong with the edited ones right away.
10/10! Although I completely guessed on Leave it to Beaver. The handprint just didn’t look right to me.
MeTV has found a new way to make us miss the questions. Once you click on an answer, the pictures switch places.