Can you name the horror movie based on these close-up images of their killers?
From masked men to creepy figures, can you match these slashers to the right movie?

Image: The Everett Collection
It's the time of year when slasher films once again pick up momentum and draw the eyes of Halloween fanatics of all ages.
While the slasher and horror genre has certainly changed over the years, a lot has remained the same. Usually a group of younger adults gets in some sort of scary situation time after time. While storylines cans sometimes be redundant, the films themselves each have their own angle, and their own killers.
From iconic to more obscure, can you pick the correct movie based on a zoomed-in image of its characters?
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie goes with this image?
Photo by Mark Bishop on Unsplash
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection
What movie does this close-up image belong to?
Image: The Everett Collection

Can you name the horror movie based on these close-up images of their killers?
Your Result...
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11 out of 11. Almost got fooled on the last one even though I love the movie. I guess I looked at it too fast.
You got 11 out of 11
Could you tell the movie based on these close-up killers? Don't worry, your life doesn't depend on your score!
Could you tell the movie based on these close-up killers? Don't worry, your life doesn't depend on your score!
It was kind of sketchy on #'s 5 & 10, since Freddie always wore the same thing so it could have been Freddie VS Jason, and they have a very similar mask on Scary Movie as on Scream. I did get both of those right, however.
It was kind of sketchy on #'s 5 & 10, since Freddie always wore the same thing so it could have been Freddie VS Jason, and they have a very similar mask on Scary Movie as on Scream. I did get both of those right, however.