Can you guess cartoon characters from 5-word fan descriptions?
See if you love cartoons as much as MeTV fans on Facebook.

MeTV fans on Facebook have a lot of love for classic cartoons. So we asked them to describe their favorite cartoon characters in just 5 words to find out how few words it took us to recognize these cherished toons.
Below, we've pulled the 5-word fan descriptions that struck us the most and now we challenge you: Can you I.D. these popular cartoons in just 5 words? Prove you can be strong to the finish.
I'm strong to the finish.
Super, sleuthing, sweet Great Dane.
Does whatever a spider can.
Smarter than the average bear.
I WILL move the football!
Bird loving beagle fighter pilot.
He's a demon on wheels...
Missed that turn in Albuquerque.
In love with Patti Mayonnaise.
That's a joke son, LAUGH!
Shoeshine boy and super hero.
Spectacled brother of Dee Dee.
Large, red, furry, nonverbal, snuggly!

Can you guess cartoon characters from 5-word fan descriptions?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

6. Bird loving beagle fighter pilot.
You've got your answers wrong again. That's a description of Snoopy, not the actual Red Baron. Snoopy FOUGHT the Red Baron in his fantasies as a flying ace!
You've got your answers wrong again. That's a description of Snoopy, not the actual Red Baron. Snoopy FOUGHT the Red Baron in his fantasies as a flying ace!
I will never win this fight but Gossamer's real name is Rudolph/Monster ...
You got 13 out of 13
Foghorn Leghorn didn't even have to tell you, "Don't go thinking too hard." This quiz was a breeze for you!
Foghorn Leghorn didn't even have to tell you, "Don't go thinking too hard." This quiz was a breeze for you!
12/13. Missed the incorrect Snoopy/Red Baron question.
I was thinking the same thing. Snoopy wasn't the red baron, he was the WW I Flying Ace FIGHTING the Red Baron.
Masked Marvel didn't sound right, but I chose it because I knew the other 2 weren't Snoopy. MeTv, do your research right!