Can you find the character that completes these famous ensemble casts?

Hawkeye, Potter, Klinger, Margaret, Mulcahy and who?

The best ensemble casts help a series go beyond a single star. On shows from Gilligan's Island to Cheers, viewers had choices when it came to favorite characters.

Think you can name pretty much everyone from TV's most famous ensemble casts? Let's see how many you can complete out of a dozen shows below!
  1. On Gilligan's Island, there's Gilligan, Jonas, Ginger, Roy, Mary Ann, Thurston and...
  2. On Happy Days, there's Richie, Howard, Marion, Joanie, Fonzie, Ralph and...
  3. On Friends, there's Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and...
  4. On Cheers, there's Sam, Carla, Cliff, Norm, Woody, Diane and...
  5. On M*A*S*H, there's Hawkeye, Margaret, Klinger, Potter, Mulcahy, B.J. and...
  6. On The Dick Van Dyke Show, there's Rob, Laura, Ritchie, Buddy, Sally and...
  7. On Taxi, there's Alex, Louie, Elaine, Tony, Latka, Bobby and...
  8. On WKRP in Cincinnati, there's Andy, Les, Jennifer, Johnny, Herb, Bailey and...
  9. On The Mary Tyler Moore Show, there's Mary, Murray, Lou, Rhoda, Georgette, Ted and...
  10. On Night Court, there's Harry, Dan, Bull, Mac, Christine and...
  11. On The Facts of Life, there's Blair, Tootie, Natalie, Jo, Edna and...
  12. On Hogan's Heroes, there's Hogan, Klink, Schultz, Newkirk, Carter, Kinchloe and...

Can you find the character that completes these famous ensemble casts?

Your Result...

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buckshott 20 months ago
11/12. I didn't know the Facts of Life answer.
Douglas 20 months ago
12/12! I am practically one of the gangs. easy quiz.
Debbie 25 months ago
11/12. I couldn’t remember if the kid’s name was Andy or Alex. I chose Alex therefore ruining my perfect streak
ValT 25 months ago
heh That last one should have been: Robert, Wilhelm, Hans, Peter, Andrew, James and... Louis.
JohnGibbons 26 months ago
gummby3 JohnGibbons 25 months ago
Later seasons after they got the store. Mrs. Garrett moves to Africa leaving her sister in charge. Andy was a kid (Mackenzie Astin) that hung around the store and Beverly Ann ends up adopting him.
EllisClevenger 43 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
You made the whole M*A*S*H cast so proud, you're practically one of the gang!
Rickey 57 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
You made the whole M*A*S*H cast so proud, you're practically one of the gang!
Joe 57 months ago
EllisClevenger 58 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
You made the whole M*A*S*H cast so proud, you're practically one of the gang!
EllisClevenger 58 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
You made the whole M*A*S*H cast so proud, you're practically one of the gang!
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