Are these the correct catchphrases?

Can you nip it in the bud?

 CBS Television Distribution

Uh oh! It looks like some iconic TV catchphrases have been scrambled!

Below, you will see some memorable television characters paired with oft-quoted catchphrases. The big question is: Is it the correct catchphrase for that character?

See if you can remember who said it. Hopefully, you will "Make it so!" and not "Doh!"
  1. Is this the character who said, "Just one more thing…"?
  2. Is this the character who said, "Hi-Yo, Silver!"?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  3. Is this the character who said, "Book 'em, Danno?"
  4. Is this the character who said, "Up your nose with a rubber hose!"?
  5. Is this the character who said, "Sit on it!"?
  6. Is this the character who declared, "Shazam!"?
  7. Is this the character who snapped, "Kiss my grits!"?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  8. Is this the character who cautioned, "Nip it in the bud?"
  9. Is this the character who said, "To the moon!"?
  10. Is this the character who said, "Who loves ya, baby?"
     Image: NBCUniversal Television
  11. Is this the character who said, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"?
  12. Is this the character who often asked, "Did I do that?"
  13. Is this the character who would proclaim, "Dy-no-mite!"?
     Image: The Everett Collection
  14. Is this the character who said, "Stifle yourself!"?
     Image: The Everett Collection

Are these the correct catchphrases?

Your Result...

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LynCarrigan 3 months ago
Some of the photos were not good likenesses. Archie looked nothing like Archie.
gockionni 3 months ago
14/14. Funny how those catchphrases become iconic and stick in your mind.
Snickers 36 months ago
Quiz says I got 13/14 but I just looked at my answers and got all 14 right. Guess MeTV can't count or a bad program.
Caretaker245 38 months ago
14/14. Some of the shows I watched, some I didn't but the phrases were pretty well known I think
idkwut2use 54 months ago
10...shouldn’t have effed-up those few
JamesBrashear 54 months ago
14 out of 14 easy quiz. Perfection.
djw1120 60 months ago
12 out of 14
I missed # 4 - I originally thought it was Fonzie, but when the correct answer came up I realized it really was Vinnie Barbarino.
And on # 12, I never watched Urkel or Stupid-gan, so I think I can be forgiven for that one.
Runeshaper 62 months ago
You got 9 out of 14
Well, you didn't quite ace this one, but Barney will coach you up!
EllisClevenger 66 months ago
You got 14 out of 14
Aaaaayyyy! You did it!
CaramelRhapsody 67 months ago
Oops! Missed one. I enjoy these quizzes way too much.
MrBill 67 months ago
14/14; Easy one for me. I knew all of them.
wanderer2575 67 months ago
13/14. I wouldn't watch Urkel if my life depended on it, so I had no idea what his catchphrase was. I thought Gilligan said it or something similar.

cperrynaples wanderer2575 67 months ago
Ok, maybe Urkel isn't that funny ,but I hate these hyperboles! Honestly, would you really want to die because you wouldn't watch a half-hour sitcom?
wanderer2575 cperrynaples 67 months ago
Relax, son. You need to get out more often.
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