Adjusted for inflation, did these '70s movies make more or less than modern blockbusters?
Did Star Wars sell more tickets in 1977 or 2015?

The 1970s birthed the modern blockbuster with hits like Jaws and Star Wars. Many other now classic movies from that decade, including The Godfather, Rocky and The Exorcist, drew massive crowds of moviegoers.
With box office numbers now talked about in billions instead of millions, it seems like the blockbusters of today make more than their share of cash. But how much of that is inflation and how much is actual tickets sold?
Here are twelve matchups between hit movies from the 1970s and modern blockbusters of today. To keep a straightforward comparison, we’re using only the amount of money each movie made in the U.S.
Adjusted for inflation, do newer movies sell more tickets or do classic films blow modern films out of the water?
Which Star Wars movie made more in today's money?
Adjusted for inflation, Jaws made over $1.2 billion. Is that more or less than both Jurassic World films combined?
A Star is Born made $80 million in 1976 and $215 million in 2018. Which one made more in 2020 dollars?
Here are two great gangster movies by two iconic filmmakers. Which one made more in today's money?
The recent Stephen King 'It' movies raked in the dough. Combined, did they make more than 'The Exorcist' adjusted for inflation?
Which one of these superhero flicks made more in 2020 dollars?
Adjusted for inflation, which one of these raunchy comedies made more money?
Which of these crime capers made more in 2020 dollars?
Adjusted for inflation, which of these science fiction movies made more money domestically?
Which of these high school comedies made more in today's money?
When adjusted for inflation, did 'Rocky' make more than both recent 'Creed' movies combined?
Which of these shipwreck movies made more in 2020 dollars?

Adjusted for inflation, did these '70s movies make more or less than modern blockbusters?
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{I know the versions of ASIB that were mentioned were not these two, I just wanted to make mention of something I've read, that had me bothered a bit. Don't know why, I guess it's because these people claim to be "experts," and they [the disagreers, of course,] couldn't agree on the obvious choice!}