Flip photos to compare casts between the original Lost in Space and the reboot

Jury's out on which character has been changed the most: Dr. Smith or Robot.


With the Lost in Space reboot debuting today, there will be plenty of talk in the coming weeks about how the new series compares to the original. And while we have yet to indulge in the updated version, there have been so many changes to the cast that we already expect to consider them as entirely separate entities in pop culture.

Still, it's fun to see what a modern version of Will Robinson looks like and compare it with the iconic role Bill Mumy originated. Below, flip back and forth to remember the Lost in Space you know and love with the mysterious new faces that seek to extend the series' legacy.

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LynCarceo 32 months ago
Reboot can go away. I'll take the classic every time. The new actors just aren't right. And what was the robot?
Snickers LynCarceo 32 months ago
I agree the 60's version is the best even if it was kind of campy. I guess that's why I still love the show and always will.
Snickers 35 months ago
Give me the 60's version over the re-boot. Really Dr. Smith as a woman oh the pain the pain.
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