This means ''war'': A quiz about movies with ''war'' in the title

All is fair in love and _____.


War. What is it good for?

Here's the most fun you can have without putting on camo pants. We've got ten questions locked and loaded. Each is a movie with "War" in the title, and you have to fill in the blanks. We'll give you the year, too!

Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below.

  1. "Star Wars: Episode ____ – A New Hope" (1977)
  2. "War _____" (2011)
  3. "________ America: Civil War" (2016)
  4. "The Private War of Major ________" (1955)
  5. "War and ______" (1956)
  6. "The War of the ______" (1989)
  7. "World War ___" (2013)
  8. "War of the _______ Beast" (1958)
  9. "________ Wilson's War"
  10. "War of the _____" (2005)

This means ''war'': A quiz about movies with ''war'' in the title

Your Result...

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Geronimo 4 months ago
This means ''war'': A quiz about movies with ''war'' in the title
You got 10 out of 10
At ease soldier! You deserve a medal!

Some guesses
ww245 6 months ago
I think I took this one already, but this time, if not, I got 10/10
ClassicTVRocks 6 months ago
7/10 I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter!!! Lol 😆🤣
Hemidog 6 months ago
I agree with the Dakota Fanning character comment. By the time the aliens took her I would have been so relieved I would have let them keep her!
WilliamJorns 6 months ago
10 right out of 10. I had to think a minute on #9, because Owen Wilson is the name of an actor. I almost picked that instead of the correct choice.
8176Morgan 6 months ago
Whew! 10/10. I had to take a stab at number 4 as I had never heard of that movie.
WilliamJorns 8176Morgan 6 months ago
"The Private War of Major Benson" starred Charlton Heston as the title character, Major Benson, who's assigned command of a miltary academy and is not happy about it. I've seen it run on television at least once.
ww245 6 months ago
Fairly easy.....10/10. One thing I do know is war movies.....
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