QUIZ: Is this shot from an old music video or a modern commercial?

New commercials are selling old looks - so can you tell the difference?

We all know that trends are cyclical, with the hottest looks coming back into fashion every two to three decades. Right now, fashion is all about the 1980s and 1990s. In fact, when we see modern advertisements, a lot of us wonder, "Wait, is this a commercial trying to sell me something I've had in my closet for the last 30 years?"

That's where this quiz comes in. 

Can you tell the difference between a shot from a modern advertisement or an old music video? Try it out!

QUIZ: Is this shot from an old music video or a modern commercial?

Your Result...

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Joe 7 months ago
[image=https://weigel-comments.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/pojDc-1709316600-Screen Shot 2024-03-01 at 1.07.32 PM.jpg]
CrumblyCrunchies 11 months ago
I never watched music videos. Video killed the rock n roll star...
bubbasmith 50 months ago

In fact, the explanation for #12 is incorrect. There was no official video for My Adidas. That shot is from the Walk This Way video, Run-DMC with Aerosmith. Happens at 2:33 in the video.
EllisClevenger 69 months ago
I know music videos!
You got 10 out of 14
Or maybe you're just hip to the latest trends.
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