Is this Paul Fix in The Rifleman or something else?

Can you tell Marshal Micah Torrance apart from his many other roles?


Paul Fix got into acting at the very beginnings of Hollywood. His first small role came in 1925! Though he was in multiple movies a year for the next three decades, he never became truly well-known until he played Marshal Micah Torrance on The Rifleman.

How well do you know Paul Fix's varied career? See if you can tell if these images are from The Rifleman or something else.

Watch The Rifleman on MeTV!

Monday-Saturday at 3 PM & 3:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. What is this from?
  2. What is this from?
  3. What is this from?
  4. What is this from?
  5. What is this from?
  6. What is this from?
  7. What is this from?
  8. What is this from?
  9. What is this from?
  10. What is this from?
  11. What is this from?
  12. What is this from?
  13. What is this from?

Is this Paul Fix in The Rifleman or something else?

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Blcakandwhitetvfan 1 day ago
Believe it or not, Fix played the doctor on the pilot episode of Star Trek
STTOS 2 months ago
You got 12 out of 13 - Did you make it out of this quiz ok or did you get buried? Most were easy based on the picture. Missed #12, looks a lot like The Rifleman. I knew #13 because it was just on yesterday!! :)
GTStang08 25 months ago
13/13 Love "The Rifleman" and that helped to eliminate the others.
TinaMarieHaddadRhodes 31 months ago
13/13 easy peasy. Love the Rifleman and Paul Fix was awesome as Micah Torrance…
StrayCat 31 months ago
13 of 13. I can't count the number of times I've seen each episode of the Rifleman. Even though you don't realize it, these little details are likely stuck in your head forever. Details that are good for nothing except for solving these quizzes.
Patty18 42 months ago
I love these quizzes. Sometimes I think I know more than I think I do but it's still fun.
Sydneyb 43 months ago
I love the quizzes so much I miss a few but it’s very entertaining
Bubba77511 45 months ago
13/13 micahs clothes rarely changed
Mopho 45 months ago
I liked him as the ship's doctor in the pilot episode of Star Trek.

The Cage/The Menagerie
Snickers Mopho 44 months ago
HE was in the second pilot episode of Trek called " Where no man has gone Before" not" The Menagerie"
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