Horsing around! Answer this TV trivia all about horses

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Who doesn't love horses? They pop up all over television — and not just on Westerns!

We've wrangled some TV trivia all about equines. It takes a true television master to ace this one! Try not to get bucked off!

  1. This horse statue could be found on the living room of which TV family?
  2. Hi ho! The Lone Ranger rode this trusty horse.
     Image: ABC
  3. This jockey is racing around the track on which show?
  4. This horse painting can be seen in his office in the episode "The Case of the Jilted Jockey."
  5. What was the name of Col. Potter's horse on 'M*A*S*H'?
  6. This fun horsey ride is happening on which classic sitcom?
  7. This ominous rider is seen in the episode "Spur of the Moment" of this show.
  8. This comedian produced the pilot episode of 'Mister Ed' and even appeared in an episode.
  9. Lorne Greene rode "Buck" on 'Bonanza' — and this cowboy rode the same horse on another Western!
  10. Wild Jack Monroe (Slim Pickens) owned the station on this sitcom.
  11. Happy trails! Trigger and Buttermilk were the beloved horses on this early Western favorite.
  12. This horse emblem could be found on his holster.
  13. Before getting 'Lost in Space', Guy William rode Tornado as this hero.
  14. In the 'Andy Griffith Show' episode "The Horse Trader," Andy and Barney are not trying to sell a horse. What are they trying to sell?
  15. This actor portrayed Red Ryder on the big screen — and in the Sixties provided the voice of Mister Ed on the sitcom.
     Image: Republic Pictures

Horsing around! Answer this TV trivia all about horses

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JERRY6 38 months ago
13 of 15 guess i got horse sense
EllisClevenger 45 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
You really ponied up the knowledge! Impressive!
It takes a lot of horse sense, to get a perfect score.
pjones4023 53 months ago
Missed #7, WAG. I don't remember that Zone episode.
FatOlBroad 54 months ago
You got 15 out of 15
You really ponied up the knowledge! Impressive!
MadMadMadWorld 54 months ago
I love the #6 Horsey ride Ritchie Petrie (Larry Mathews) had on Sally Rogers (Rose Marie), on "The Dick Van Dyke Show." "Sally is a Girl" episode, aired on Dec. 19, 1961.
SashaPayneDiaz 54 months ago
15/15 I'll admit to a couple lucky guesses.
Toot1956 54 months ago
I did great missed the last one.
Lacey 54 months ago
12/15 Though I could tell you not only the Lone Raner's horse but Tonto's AND the Lone Ranger's Nephew's horse's name.
GeoRubik Lacey 54 months ago
Are you Ralphie's mother?
GregLemieux 54 months ago
15/15 You really ponied up the knowledge. Impressive.
booster 54 months ago
14/15 Missed the M.A.S.H. question. I never watched that show.
Lacey booster 54 months ago
THAT was the question you missed but you KNEW Allan Lane ???
MikefromJersey 54 months ago
15 for 15, so I give the horselaugh to all you neighsayers who said I couldn't do it.
BONUS QUIZ QUESTION: Which of the above horses appeared in the immortal
The Adventures of Robin Hood(1939) and who rode him?

texasluva MikefromJersey 54 months ago
I am going to say Trigger because was born in 1934 and died in 1965. Just thinking might have been Earl Flynn because he was star of the movie. I think Roy Rodgers owned him at least at one time. I think Trigger was called Golden Cloud at one time too.
MikefromJersey texasluva 54 months ago
You are correct sir. You win a afternoon swim in the cement pond with Ellie Mae Clampett.
Excellent prize! Congrats. I'm sooooo jealous!
You should have seen Donna Douglas when she guest starred, in a evening gown, on 77 Sunset
Strip! She never looked better in her life, never ever, if a 10 is a 9 that owns a bar, she owned a brewery! WOW! Of course MeTV never promoted 77 Sunset Strip and ran it at 4 AM! It had the greatest collection of babes in the history of TV. Now instead we get Buddy Ebsen as Barnaby Jones, you can put him in a evening dress and he'd still bore you senseless with his terrible
acting in the part.
Ilovelalaw texasluva 53 months ago
I can't speak to the accuracy of your guess (but your reasoning seems sound), however, it's Errol, not Earl.
jenniep369 texasluva 49 months ago
Roy Roger's had Trigger's full body mounted by a taxidermist.
BlkCowboy 54 months ago
That was really fun. I really LOVE westerns.
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