Did these characters exist on TV in the 1980s?
See how well you remember Eighties television.

The '80s gave us countless, timeless fictional characters. They're still making movies about many of them. Television was rich with memorable characters.
Of course, the other decades gave us some classic characters, too.
See if you can remember if the following fictional characters were ever on TV in the 1980s. It's a simple yes or no question. You have a 50-50 shot! Good luck!
Was ALF on television in the 1980s?
Was Thelma Harper on television in the 1980s?
Were Ren and Stimpy on television in the 1980s?
Image: The Everett Collection
Was the Fonz on television in the 1980s?
Was Data on television in the 1980s?
Was Jay Leno the full-time host of The Tonight Show in the 1980s?
Image: The Everett Collection
Was Dr. Mark Sloan on television in the 1980s?
Was Matlock on television in the 1980s?
Was FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper on television in the 1980s?
Image: The Everett Collection
Was Perry Mason on television in the 1980s?
Was Xena on television in the 1980s?
Was the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air on television in the 1980s?
Image: AP Photo / Julie Markes

Did these characters exist on TV in the 1980s?
Your Result...
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You got 10 out of 12
Nice work! You deserve a first-place ribbon! We'll get that to you just as soon as ALF is done making it…
80s TV was BAD!
Except for carry-over shows that began in the 70s.
Nice work! You deserve a first-place ribbon! We'll get that to you just as soon as ALF is done making it…
80s TV was BAD!
Except for carry-over shows that began in the 70s.
The Perry Mason question was kind of tricky. I figured they were just talking about the actual television show, not the made for television movies which came much later.
You got 9 out of 12
Nice work! You deserve a first-place ribbon! We'll get that to you just as soon as ALF is done making it…
Nice work! You deserve a first-place ribbon! We'll get that to you just as soon as ALF is done making it…
11/12....... Shouldve been 12/12 but i had a brain fart. I knew perry mason movies were released in the 80s but for some reason i thought only the actual tv series counted not the made for movies lol
Question nine is wrong. Agent Dale Cooper was first on twin peaks in 1989.
A couple of trick questions. They need to re-phrase these questions next time, otherwise I would have had a perfect score....................................10/12