Can you remember the names of these Matlock characters?

You may recognize their faces, but what are their names?


How well do you know Andy Griffith’s courtroom drama Matlock? The show aired for nine seasons, from the late 1980s to the early '90s, and featured many cast changes during its run. Even a few familiar faces from Mayberry made appearances!

Can you name all the characters on the show? Take this quiz to find out!

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  1. What was Matlock's first name?
  2. Like many actors on the series, Nancy Stafford played a different character in her first appearance than she did for the majority of her time on the show. What was the name of the character she played in more than 100 episodes?
  3. Julie Sommars played a character named Julie...
  4. Clarence Gilyard, Jr. appeared in 85 episodes as...
  5. What was the name of Kene Holliday's character?
  6. David Froman played a Police Lieutenant named...
  7. Daniel Roebuck has played many different characters but who did he portray in Matlock?
  8. Richard Newton played Judge Richard...
  9. First appearing as a character named Roxanne, Brynn Thayer came back and played ______ ______ for 36 episodes.
  10. Kari Lizer also played a one off character first before appearing as ______ ______ in the first two seasons.
  11. Linda Purl was only in the first season but she played an important role as Matlock's daughter...
  12. Michael Durrell embodied Matlock's opponent in the courtroom named, D.A. ______ ______.
  13. Don Knotts reunited with Andy Griffith to play Matlock's neighbor...
  14. Aneta Corsaut also appeared on Matlock as Judge....
  15. Betty Lynn, who played Thelma Lou on The Andy Griffith Show, played a character named ______ in four early episodes of the show.

Can you remember the names of these Matlock characters?

Your Result...

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mflemon 33 months ago
That really hurt I thought I was going to get those all right
TheFanFromUNCLE 46 months ago
12/15. I missed the DA, Helen Crump, and the police lieutenant.
EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 14 out of 15
Did you judge right on this quiz?
Missed #12
12topgun 54 months ago
Missed the DA . Who cares , he was a loser !
ECO473 54 months ago
Ben Matlock was the best defense attorney this side of Perry Mason!!!
MarkSpeck 54 months ago
14 out of 15. Missed the last one.
Geronimo 54 months ago
Did you judge right on this quiz? Nope
Irish 54 months ago
14/15...missed Cooksey.
Don't "judge" me ☺️
ASperos 56 months ago
14 out of 15!!! Go Matlock!!!! Love you man!!!!
GeoRubik 57 months ago
6 right, 5 were guesses. I still cannot stand this show.
AlbertHanson 57 months ago
One of my favorite shows. I enjoyed Matlock much more than The Andy Griffith Show or Mayberry R.F.D. #7 - Daniel Roebuck played more than one character on Matlock. He played Dr. Bobby Shaw (The Doctors, Season 1 Episode 24 and 25), Alex Winthrop (The Ambassadors, Season 3, Episodes 2 and 3), (The Priest, Season 3 Episode 20), and a prosecutor Mr. Sodowsky (The Assassination, Season 6, Episodes 20, 21 and 22).
EllisClevenger 57 months ago
You got 13 out of 15
Did you judge right on this quiz?
Missed #8 and #12.
horsedancer 57 months ago
12/15 the judges really threw me off
GregLemieux 57 months ago
9/15. Started out well, then crashed and burned.
Laura 57 months ago
14-15! Didn't remember the prosecutor. The to only one I remember was Julie March.
frenchman71 57 months ago
Another thing about "Matlock". Did he ever wear a different suit besides that light gray one?
Laura frenchman71 57 months ago
Yes one time he wore a black suit to court. He was so uncomfortable he changed as soon as his light grey suit got there.
frenchman71 57 months ago
I only saw a handful of Matlock episodes. I only got 7/15. It was good to see Andy give his longtime friends of TAGS some partime roles.
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