Can you recognize these classic TV elders in their younger days?

One of them was a child star in silent films!

 Everett Collection

There are so many great characters in classic television that are, let’s say, of a certain age. Sometimes they bring a wise, caring presence to a show. Other times, they’re the wildest, kookiest one!

Can you identify these eleven older TV stars from when they first started in Hollywood decades before? Take the quiz below to find out!

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    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection
    Image: Everett Collection

Can you recognize these classic TV elders in their younger days?

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 27 days ago
A lot of people missed #10 which was Barbara Pepper who played Doris Ziffel on Green Acres. I got that question right only because I saw the Perry Mason episode "The Vagabond Vixen" recently and she played the mother of the vixen. She is a lot fatter and older in that episode but still recognizable when looking at that photo.
8176Morgan 27 days ago
"You got 9 out of 11. You've got a keen eye!' I missed # 6 and #7. Both of those were really hard to get in my opinion.
Blcakandwhitetvfan 2 months ago
8/11 because my grandfather taught me a trick when I was a kid that really works: remember a person by their eyes and no matter how much their face changes, you will still pretty much remember them. The 3 I didn't get I wasn't really familiar with them. Once I attended a costume contest at a mall for Halloween. Several weeks later I encountered one of the other contestants and complimented him on his costume. It freaked him out because the only part of him you could see was his eyes. I once recognized someone I knew in jr high when we were in our 30s and he had gotten really obese. He didn't remember me and was amazed I remembered him. I told him you may have changed but your eyes didn't.
trogg888 3 months ago
Got 8.that was a tough one . Ir I hadn't watched so manyee in life
old movies with my mom who. had me late in life I wouldn't have done that well
GTStang08 4 months ago
10/11...I missed #6. In this image, he could have passed for Reiner, though Reiner was younger during the time of this old photo, but I chose of course, Frawley. Just didn't resemble Hitchcock even with the hair.
gockionni 6 months ago
8/11, most were pretty easy. Missed Alfred Hitchcock, Barbara Pepper and Jonathan Harris…even though I could totally see Dr. Smith in that face. Milburn Stone kinda resembles a young John Wayne in that photo.
frances3agape 13 months ago
WooHoo - only missed ONE - the last one
Several minutes of staring at pics and some guessing
Mimi1215 23 months ago
I got 9 out of 11. I missed #7 and #11.
ttenchantr 45 months ago
10/11 Guessed on a few and blew the last one. I would have bet money that Alfred Hitchcock picture was actually Curly Howard!
Corey ttenchantr 45 months ago
I thought so too but only Shemp played villains.
trogg888 Corey 3 months ago
Shemp was the only stooge I remember in other roles
JHP 45 months ago

man oh man -two curve balls for sure
#6 sure the hell looks like carl reiner
#11 sure looks like Dr Smith
LynCarceo JHP 45 months ago
Had no clue on #10 (never heard of her), and I agree with you on #11.
Nadya92129 48 months ago
7 out of 11. STILL think Alfie looks exactly like Fred Mertz in his younger years!
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