Can you recognize the cartoon versions of these classic Hollywood stars?
These Looney Tunes look-alikes can't fool anyone — can they?

Looney Tunes creators are some of the most creative folks in the business. They have a knack for taking an idea and getting absolutely wacky with it, hence the lovable rascals we know today (here's lookin' at you, Bugs Bunny!).
When it came to their 1941 cartoon "Hollywood Steps Out," there was no shortage of creativity and hilarity. In this part spoof featuring some of the biggest names in the biz at the time, Hollywood's finest attend a delightful soirée.
The eight-minute short shows the stars arriving, greeting one another, and settling in for a night of revelry and fun. Many of Hollywood's finest are easy to spot, and others are a little trickier. Let's see if you can name them all. Can you recognize the cartoon versions of these A-list Hollywood elites from the golden age?

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One Full Hour
Saturdays at 9 AM
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Who are these characters? Here's a hint: Their silly sounds often accompanied their slapstick comedy, whether it was a "woop-woop-woop" or a "nyack!"
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: This comedian claims he got his stage name from a comic strip, but this has been disputed by other theories.
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: This played the leading man in many a musical, including "White Christmas" and "Holiday Inn."
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: He was nominated for 2 Best Actor awards for his roles in "Penny Serenade" and "None but the Lonely Heart."
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: The film in which his character goes to Washington, D.C. is one that is played in history classes across the country.
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: This actress was in multiple musical films, including "Meet Me in St. Louis" and "A Star is Born."
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: He's best known for his roles on film as a gangster or mob character.
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: he typically plays the strange foreign visitor with an unforgettable speaking voice.
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: This actress worked in both silent and talking films.
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: His name for his brother act was inspired by a musical instrument he played.
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: His film debut in "The Grapes of Wrath" earned this first-time actor an Academy Award nomination.
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: She was referred to as the "Oomph Girl."
Warner Brothers
Who is this character? Here's a hint: she was famous for playing many a jungle princess or island queen in "sarong roles."
Warner Brothers

Can you recognize the cartoon versions of these classic Hollywood stars?
Your Result...
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Wowee! That's an impressive eye for stars you've got there. Well done!"
What's really "impressive" about this score is that I got 3 wrong! I guess that's a nice change from choosing the right answers and being told I picked something else.