Can you recognize the best-selling albums of the 1960s from the cover art?

Musicals gave rock a run for its money.

Yes, the Beatles sold a ton of records in the Sixties. Millions upon millions worldwide. But they did not dominate the charts in the America as much as you might think. (The Fab Four certainly ruled Britain, however.) 

Good old fashioned musicals were a dominant force on the market throughout the 1960s. Mom and dad were still buying LPs, you know. That would explain the Herb Alpert, too.

But the end of the decade, hard rock finally broke through. Let's see if you can recognize these best-selling albums from the decade on both sides of the pond. Good luck!
  1. This band sold the most records in America in 1967 with its 'More…' album.
  2. Dick Van Dyke had the best-selling album of 1965 thanks to this soundtrack.
  3. This soundtrack was the top-selling album in America in both 1962 and 1963!
  4. This psychedelic landmark was the U.K.'s best-selling album of 1967.
  5. This Elvis soundtrack was the best-selling album in the U.K. in 1961.
  6. This cast recording was the best-selling album in the States in 1960.
  7. This cast recording was the best-selling album in the States in 1961.
  8. Broadway was big! This cast recording was the best-selling album in America in 1964.
  9. This Beatles LP was the U.K.'s best-selling album in 1963.
  10. This Jimi Hendrix Experience record was the best-selling album in the U.S. in 1968.
  11. This Herb Alpert platter became the best-selling album in America in 1966.
  12. Finally, this band had the best-selling album in America in 1969.

Can you recognize the best-selling albums of the 1960s from the cover art?

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 3 months ago
Being a big music fan of the 1960's I easily got them all right. But there is an error on question #9 which states: "This Beatles LP was the U.K.'s best-selling album in 1963." The correct answer is "Please Please Me" which spent over six months at the top of the charts. "With The Beatles" was released near the end of that year.
morticia77 6 months ago
This is getting old. #3 was definitely not Grease!! but it says I got it wrong when I chose west side
theoIV 18 months ago
Yet I did have a hard time with #6 I did enny menny minny moe lol it worked I got the right one the others my dad was a musical record person so I recognized those. the names being there for the musicals helped..
theoIV 18 months ago
You know if you hit the back button after the first run you can get them alright.😇
Amalthea 35 months ago
12/12, and I was born in '64! #12 was one of my personal favorites; I'd bug my sister to death to play it again...and again...
Tennis 54 months ago
There was a mistake on the Jimi Hendrix Are you Experienced Album question - it was released in 1967 not 1968.
LucyImHome1951 66 months ago
FUN FACT: The Monkees Hated the picture on the More Of The Monkees album because the picture was taken not for the album but a ad for JC PENNY!
Joe 66 months ago
[image= Shot 2019-08-19 at 5.41.12 AM.png]
Edward 66 months ago
I'll have to get the Iron Butterfly CD now that I'm reminded.
Perfect score. Lucky guesses.
UTZAAKE 67 months ago
4. Love that picture! Lenny Bruce in the center!
11. Shaving cream was actually used in the photo shoot.
MaryHelen 67 months ago
missed the 2 beatles' ones-- makes sense i was a fan of the rolling stones!!
Edward MaryHelen 66 months ago
Brian Jones' Stones. Good taste, ma'am.
BrittReid 67 months ago
10/12...Great song by IRON BUTTERFLY!
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