Can you name these classic video game consoles from the 1970s to the early 2000s?
The video game console era now spans across five decades.

The 1970s brought us the first true video game consoles while the 1980s continued to pave the way for what was a video game boom in the 1990s.
Do you recall what your first game console was and can you remember the big names?
Whether these classic consoles came out over 40 years ago or 20, and whether it used a cartridge or a disc, each one listed below can certaily bring back the memories of several age groups that played, bought and gifted them.
Now the question is: Can you name all of them?
This console started it all in the early 1970s.
What console is this girl playing?
This console revolutionized the industry, making its creator a household name in the video game world.
This iconic handheld console sold ''close to 120 million units during its lifetime'' according to Business Insider.
This SEGA console was the company's bestseller, with nearly 30 million units sold.
The controller belonged to which classic video game console?
What was the name of this console/controller combo?
This system hit the shelves in 1996, sporting a more complex controller, featuring three places to grip!
What SEGA console is featured here?
Microsoft got into the video game console industry with this system's debut in 2001.
Which Nintendo system features this unique shape?
With its small size, you could take this console and play video games on the go! Which is it?
This portable console could easily fit into your pocket and featured multiple generations.
This motion-detected console was a hit not only for kids, but for the whole family.

Can you name these classic video game consoles from the 1970s to the early 2000s?
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Only missed one!! And by accident!! I accidentally hit the wrong button with my big Ole thumb 👍 🙃 😐 😅!!! God bless you all today 🙏 Shalom
12/14 I was an early gamer and I’m not into it now. I think my mom still uses her Nintendo DS, unless it died.
My Favorite Video Game System Is The Nintendo NES.
I have never been much into TV gaming. But in the bowels of my basement still resides the Fairchild game system with about 7 or 8 game cartridges, still in working order (with an analog TV). It was gifted to me in the early '70s and was the first system to use a microprocessor.
I have never been much into TV gaming. But in the bowels of my basement still resides the Fairchild game system with about 7 or 8 game cartridges, still in working order (with an analog TV). It was gifted to me in the early '70s and was the first system to use a microprocessor.