Can you match M*A*S*H characters to the last things they said on the show?
"Goodbye, Farewell, and… cold showers?"

We're not going to lie — we teared up a bit making this quiz. The brilliance of M*A*S*H can be felt most profoundly in its goodbyes. There's a good reason why the final episode, "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen," remains the most-watched series finale of all time. It's simply the greatest ever made, at least the most emotionally satisfying.
Every time a character said goodbye to the 4077th it was either a gut-punch or a burst of love. Sometimes both.
A good chunk of the cast said goodbye in that finale, but other beloved actors left the series in prior seasons. Their final lines were touching, funny and perfectly suited to their characters. Just like everything about M*A*S*H.
Try to match M*A*S*H characters to their final lines!

He said, "Goodbye, everybody! I'll pray for you."
He said, "I'll see you back in the States. I promise. Just in case, I left you a note."
This character said, "I had to pretend I was mad at you, but... inside, I was laughing to beat all hell. …I better get out of here."
This character warned, "You behave yourself or I'm going to come back and kick your butt."
This character had a memorable kiss-off with the line: "Yeah, uh… See ya."
This character said, "I dunno. Just felt like grabbing a cold shower."
This character said, "Ottumwa, Iowa. I'm ready. Let's go."
This character said farewell with, "What better way to leave a garbage dump! Gentleman…"
This character said one single word: "What?" It also happened to be the last line of the series.
This character said, "Me, too, captain. Sure glad you're feeling okay now. …Goodbye, sir."
This character said, "Radar, put a mask on!"
This character said, "I'm taking my hometown home! C'mon! …I got it! Honolulu!"

Can you match M*A*S*H characters to the last things they said on the show?
Your Result...
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You got 11 out of 11
A toast to you! Well done!
MeTv shows the episodes in order but they keep skipping the final episode and start over at S01, E01. Are they saving that episode for the final showing of the reruns?