Can you identify these classic sitcoms from the characters' first names alone?
The name of the game is… well, names.

The premise here is simpler — even simpler than some sitcoms. We're going to show you a list of names. You tell us the TV show that featured those characters.
Here's the rub: Not every famous sitcom character went by his or her given name.
Good luck!
Daisy May & Jethro & Jed & Elly May & Jane & Milburn
Carla & Cliff & Sam & Norm & Rebecca & Ernie & Diane
Phillip & Edna & Willis & Sam & Kimberly & Arnold
Mary & Murray & Lou & Ted & Sue Ann
Benjamin & Max & Henry & Frank & Margaret & Sherman & Walter
Thelma & Vinton & Naomi & Ellen & Frances & Iola
Richie & Warren & Arthur & Ralph & Howard
Raj & Rerun & Dee & Dwayne & Mabel
Robert & Hans & Louie & Peter & Wilhelm & Andrew & Richard & James
Robert & Laura & Maurice & Sally & Ritchie
Andy & Arthur & Johnny & Les & Jennifer & Herb
Gunther & Francis & Lucille & Leo & Silvia
Harry & Christine & Dan & Aristotle & Macintosh
Martin & Tim & Lorelei & Bill

Can you identify these classic sitcoms from the characters' first names alone?
Your Result...
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You got 14 out of 14
You know your TV trivia no matter the name of the game! Easy Peasy !!! ( This time )
You know your TV trivia no matter the name of the game! Easy Peasy !!! ( This time )