Can you guess which of these shows have the same number of seasons?

Which of these wildly different shows lasted the same amount of time on TV?


Most classic TV fans know exactly how many seasons their favorite shows lasted. In fact, they probably know which seasons they like the best.

But when certain shows are compared to others, it gets a little trickier — especially if the two shows are completely different.

Can you guess which of these television series have the exact same number of seasons as other classic shows? For many of the programs below, the number of years on TV is just about the only thing they have in common!

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  1. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as Star Trek?
  2. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as M*A*S*H?
  3. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as The Twilight Zone?
  4. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as Bonanza?
  5. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as Perry Mason?
  6. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as Gunsmoke?
  7. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as My Three Sons?
  8. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as The Waltons?
  9. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as The Andy Griffith Show?
  10. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as The Brady Bunch?
  11. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as I Love Lucy?
  12. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as Rawhide?
  13. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as Mission: Impossible?
  14. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as The Rifleman?
  15. Which of these shows has the same number of seasons as The Time Tunnel?

Can you guess which of these shows have the same number of seasons?

Your Result...

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CaptainDunsel 53 months ago
The score reads 11/15, but one of those was a finger slip while scrolling. (If I'm going to count the ones I would have gotten right, I have to subtract the ones I would have missed.)
Jeffrey 53 months ago
''You got 2 out of 15'' ----------------Could you pinpoint the answers or did you get buried? I got buried. Which is very disappointing for me, as I ran through them too fast and didn't really know them all.
Geronimo 53 months ago
I started getting better towards the end
MikefromJersey 53 months ago
11 for 15. I have a theory for the next quiz where I don't know the answer. Choose the series
that is on, or was on MeTV. They want people to enjoy these questions, thus it's more likely
you know the answers if it's a MeTV show.
Runeshaper 53 months ago
7/15 - 100% guessing there LOL :)
daDoctah 53 months ago
7/15, but they started with the pair of shows I thought of when I read the premise. Besides Gilligan and Star Trek, Lost in Space and My Favorite Martian also had three seasons each.
BrianMoore 53 months ago
11 out of 15 :/
MikefromJersey BrianMoore 53 months ago
Brian, I grew up with a Brian Moore in Jersey but he moved to Texas. He had a German shepherd
named Flash. That wouldn't be you, would it? I apologize if you consider this intrusive.
justjeff 53 months ago
6/15... Total guesswork on my part. I didn't follow those shows as well as others did...
AllisonWunderland 53 months ago
9/15...Better than I thought I'd do 😆
You tied me. It's dé·jà vu all over again .
purplerose60 53 months ago
10/15! I’m shocked, should play the lottery today!!
DMZABO 53 months ago
It’s like I was throwing farts at the wind. Terrible 5/15 lol.
Filmnoirfan 53 months ago
5/15 - perhaps a record low
Jeffrey Filmnoirfan 53 months ago
No, I have the new record low for this quiz, 2 correct out of 15.
hermanstein2015 53 months ago
7/15 not to bad for guessing, it was tough I liked this one.
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