Can you guess what show Carroll O'Connor is in?

It's hard to see an image of Carroll O'Connor and not think of Archie Bunker, but you'll have to do your best on this one!

 The Everett Collection

Image: The Everett Collection

You know him best as Archie Bunker from All in the Family, but Carroll O'Connor had plenty of television credits before the hit sitcom debuted in 1971.

It's hard not to see the character of Bunker when looking at an image of O'Connor, but do your best and try to correctly guess which classic TV show he's in, not named All in the Family

Try to keep Archie's voice out of your head while taking this quiz! 

Good luck!

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Sundays at 8 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
  2. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
  3. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
     Image: MGM Television
  4. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
  5. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
  6. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
  7. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
  8. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?
  9. What show is Carroll O'Connor in?

Can you guess what show Carroll O'Connor is in?

Your Result...

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Coldnorth 18 months ago
8/9. I’m quite satisfied with that score
braycy 23 months ago
I really enjoyed the earlier episodes of ALL IN THE FAMILY.
8/9 on quiz.
Carroll O'Connor looks like he could pass for Spencer Pratt's grandfather
JamesDean59 23 months ago
I really like that Carroll O'Connor.
Rriopdgt 23 months ago
Oh well 🙂I tried
Love❤ all in the family
DZee 24 months ago
It doesn't matter....All in the Family is a horrible show. Probably the only show I've ever seen where all 4 of the main characters are unlikeable and annoying as ''''.
Rriopdgt DZee 23 months ago
Not True. The world needs more like this, laughter/hate.Achie brought joy&laughter 2 ppl
jerryleebandit DZee 23 months ago
Ok Nancy
ThomasPotter DZee 12 months ago
maybe it's you. I've seen you comment that you can't stand Ron Howard Movies, You hated the Opie character and You despise Mary Tyler Moore...Those are just the ones I remember. I think you must live a miserable existence.
OHC 24 months ago
I only watch All in the Family and Archie Bunkers place
wrs44145 24 months ago
5/9; I had to guess on every question also.
Ihooty 24 months ago
8 / 9 not bad for guessing on them all.
LoveMETV22 24 months ago

Archie's one liners are a bit Col. Potter's "Potter-isms", with an edge added.
Barvs1964 24 months ago
I love watching real entertainment
DanDolgin 24 months ago
7/9, Not bad considering I haven't watched much of the westerns. Knowing which shows were in color and which ones he had a beard and/or mustache helped, as well.
Sally 24 months ago
9/9 I guessed on The Wild, Wild West one.
Coldnorth Sally 23 months ago
Lol that’s the only one I knew
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