Can you guess the character based on their hairstyle?

We hair (dare) you to pass this quiz!

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Adam briefly loses his hair on Bonanza
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Have you ever wanted to style your hair like your favorite character? Need some styling inspo? We asked if you could guess the character based on their clothing; now it's time to guess the character based on their hairstyle!

Note: Images are cropped so the faces of the characters are not shown because that would be too easy. This means full hairstyles aren't visible, but most of these characters are so classic that this might be a breeze for you anyway!

  1. Which character is this?
  2. Which character is this?
  3. Which character is this?
  4. Which character is this?
  5. Which character is this?
  6. Which character is this?
  7. Which character is this?
  8. Which character is this?
  9. Which character is this?
  10. Which character is this?
  11. Which character is this?
  12. Which character is this?

Can you guess the character based on their hairstyle?

Your Result...

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MaryOK 27 days ago
No Charlie's Angels hair? Farrah or Jaclyn. Maybe too easy.
LynCarrigan 8 months ago
I goofed up on two of the hairstyles- my finger poked the wrong one twice. Really, not an excuse!
Patti100 11 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Wow, you aced this quiz! You even got these pants to stand up on their own.
I generally do well on the old shows because....I'm old.
ValpoPJ 14 months ago
12/12 I, too, watch too much TV!
downhillbrute 14 months ago
11/12 I've watched too much TV.
SusanTammy 14 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Wow, you aced this quiz! You even got these pants to stand up on their own.
JHP 14 months ago

gee mamas family and the heat of the night bit me - no sheet sherlock:)
Marty53 14 months ago
♠️ Got them all right.
BorisK 14 months ago
11/12 ... Billie Jo and Betty Jo threw me.
JHP BorisK 14 months ago
wasn't one of them blonde?
scp 14 months ago
11 out of 12. The background in #7 threw me, and I thought the right answer had a different shade than is shown here.
Coldnorth 14 months ago
12/12 didn’t think I would’ve done so well. Remembering foreheads seemed to help me
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