Can you guess the show based on characters' clothing?
Who knew threads could be so crucial to a quiz?
Have you ever watched television so much that you can tell which show is on just by looking at the clothing of its characters? Well, this is the perfect quiz for you to take. We want to see if you can guess the show's name by looking at some cool threads characters are wearing.
Some of these questions will be a breeze, and others may be a little tricky. Good luck!
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?
Based on the clothing, what show is this?

Can you guess the show based on characters' clothing?
Your Result...
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