Can you guess the album by just four of the cover's colors?
A quiz about album covers? Color us interested.
You might think that you're a music expert, but you haven't been a real fan of music unless you can name your favorite band's album with nothing but four colors! We've diluted these famous musician's album covers to four colors that appear in them, and it's your job to tell us the name of that album!
This is an album by David Bowie. What is it called?
This is an album by Fleetwood Mac. What is it called?
This is an album by Elton John. What is it called?
This is an album by The Beatles. What is it called?
This is an album by Aretha Franklin. What is it called?
This is an album by Prince. What is it called?
This is an album by Black Sabbath. What is it called?
This is an album by Stevie Wonder. What is it called?
This is an album by Bob Dylan. What is it called?
This is an album by Marvin Gaye. What is it called?
Can you guess the album by just four of the cover's colors?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.The Rolling Stones - Mick
Guns N' Roses - AFD '87
Elvis - The Stare
Sun Record Co. - Logo
Jimi Hendrix - Woodstock
Yes - Yessongs
Elvis - Long Live the King
Elvis - Mugshot
Yes - Logo
Elvis - Father's Day Rocks
Elvis - Graphic King
Elvis - Gold Lamé Suit
Elvis - TCB Ornate
Elvis - Sun Records Heart
Elvis - The Stare
Elvis - Christmas Album
Elvis - Blue Vegas
Pink Floyd - DSOTM