Can you find the ONE word that is not in the Flintstones theme song?
You can sing the song… but do you remember every lyric?

It's one of the greatest theme songs in television history — certainly one of the catchiest. Fair warning: It's about to be stuck in your head for hours.
Perhaps what's most surprising about "Meet the Flintstones" is how long it took to come along. The song is forever associated with the cartoon series, but it was not used until the third season. Before then, an instrumental called "Rise and Shine" was used. We bet you recognize that melody, too.
As soon as "Meet the Flintstones" was introduced, it became an immediate hit. You've heard it countless times over the years.
So let's see how well you remember the lyrics! We're talking about the entire song — including the second verse used in the closing credits!
Try to find the one word that does NOT appear in "Meet the Flintstones!" If you find the Gruesomes, you are singing the wrong tune! Keep clicking until you find the right answer!
Find the ONE word that is NOT in the lyrics for "Meet the Flintstones"!

Can you find the ONE word that is not in the Flintstones theme song?
Your Result...
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Objection Overruled. LOL
Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan
Singing the song over and over in my old head.
I think I could use an aspirin now or an Excedrin as they used to say.
some woods at night time.
They had no working radios and didn't know the current password, so their Lt. yelled out not to
shoot, they were Americans, to which a doubting sergeant barked "prove it".
A pause, then cross the minefield came the first few lines of The Flintstones theme.
The sergeant laughed and sent a man to go guide them in, as no way did the VC or NVA
watch Fred and Wilma and laugh at The Great Kazoo.