Can you find the one show that did NOT use a laugh track?

See if you can do it in a single guess.

Some of the greatest comedies in television history used a laugh track. There is no way around it in certain cases, whether you're filming a sitcom with one camera on location or producing something that required intricate set-up. An audience can't always be there.

Any seasoned television fan recognizes the sound of canned laughter. But do you think you can find a show that did NOT use a laugh track? 

Pick out the one show without a laugh track — in one try. Give it a shot.
  1. Which of these shows did NOT use a laugh track?

Can you find the one show that did NOT use a laugh track?

Your Result...

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amylovestv 32 months ago
I thought they meant the show that didn't use canned laughter. 🤦🏻‍♀️
WILD 37 months ago
You found it!
It was Lost in Space! While this sci-fi classic grew more lighthearted and comedic over its three seasons (remember the giant talking carrot?) it did not use a laugh track.
TexasGreek 54 months ago
You found it!
It was Lost in Space!
ndebrabant 66 months ago

You found it!
It was Lost in Space! While this sci-fi classic grew more lighthearted and comedic over its three seasons (remember the giant talking carrot?) it did not use a laugh track.
Tresix 72 months ago
Not hard, considering it was the only drama on the list!
Lon 72 months ago
Very easy. there was never any laughing on the show.
Lucyneenah19701 72 months ago
I guessed The Andy Griffith Show. I'm not surprised that I got it wrong, since I never watched Lost in Space.
anthony 72 months ago
this one was a no brainer.It had to be LIS all the other shows were sitcoms except The Muppets Show.
MrsPhilHarris 72 months ago
I hate laugh tracks. I agree with CatMom.
CatMomWanda 73 months ago
I have not seen that many episodes of LIS and didn't remember it didn't have one.

They are annoying. Some are worse than others. Some play after practically every line. I have had to turn shows off because it was getting on my nerves. I don't need anyone telling me if it is funny.
BrittReid 73 months ago
LIS was so cheezy it did not require a laugh track.
RedSamRackham BrittReid 52 months ago
Perhaps laugh tracks give home viewer illusion of being part of an audience. ♣
AndrewHass 73 months ago
I picked Lost In Space and i was right,
nerakr 73 months ago
Missed it. Didn't watch the show in question, but I figured it had to be MASH.
cperrynaples nerakr 73 months ago
Producers DID establish a rules of no laughs in the operating room, and many episodes had no laugh track, but since it was an one-camera show, the laughs you did hear were faked!
Deena 73 months ago
you are incorrect. starting with the 3rd season, happy days was filmed in front of a live audience.
cperrynaples Deena 73 months ago
Yes, but it did have a laugh track in the first 2 seasons, so that settles that!
RedSamRackham Deena 52 months ago
Yet don't they use laugh tracks to enhance live audience laughs?
Dicazi 73 months ago
LIS had so many scientific inaccuracies, it needed a laugh track.
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